August 3, 2006 - Thursday  | Random thoughts before bed I still don't have any naked pictures.
Oh, and so those who don't know, my grandmother passed away this week. Rather than a funeral, there will be a "Celebration of Life" in a couple weeks.
Carlos Mencia is funny as crap.
Southern Comfort makes me comfortable.
Autobuilder makes me happy. Autobuilder is a little program that babysits my computer while I go for a walk. It does lots of tasks for me that I would have to do by hand (and probably mess up), and it does them automatically.
Carlos Mencia just said one day, he bought cat food and condoms at the same time. That's pretty good, but it's not as good as the time I bought condoms and ear plugs at the same time. I told them it wasn't for using at the same time. I'm not sure they believed me. It was when Jessica was visiting me in Moscow soon, and I had to go shooting that day. Really.
Deer meat tastes good. I keep seeing lots of deer waiting until just before the start of the season to leave the area. They look so tasty. I keep seeing lots of bucks around too. They look tasty, not as tasty as the does, but they still look tasty, and they would look awesome on my wall.
I still have no naked pictures. Someone please remedy this. However, you must be attractive, and FEMALE. I'd rather a non-attractive female than an attractive male. However, an attractive male wouldn't really be attractive to me. So, if you are attractive and female, and have some naked pictures to share, SEND THEM.
No, I'm'll just have to see what happens...
I'm going to bed.
9:56 PM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
August 2, 2006 - Wednesday  | Tired..... Working 10 hours a day sucks. Just so you know.
However, days that you actually get shit done are less draining than days spent spinning, doing NOTHING.
Also, I've learned that autobuilder is my best friend EVER. I can start it and then go for a walk, and things get built correctly! WHOO HOO!
And, that's pretty much it. That's it today.
9:58 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
July 30, 2006 - Sunday  | Lex and Terry So, in the mornings, I've been listening to this radio show called "Lex and Terry". Interesting call-in show. They do all sorts of crazy antics. They have 2 interns that they just destroy as much as possible. They have this bit they call "Who's more pathetic", where they have these total rednecks call in from terrible places and ask them simple questions. It's pretty crazy. They give advice, you know the advice people don't want to hear. Things like counselling and breaking up, and how to get respect back from people they are with. But one thing they do is have women send them sexy pictures to rate them. Good lord, in real life, that NEVER happens. I have never had anyone send me nekked pictures. The guy who writes the bizarre news column that I read also gets nekked pictures. Eh, what's new, I'm just a regular guy.
Anyway, if you get them in your area, CHECK THEM OUT ASAP.
Because they are funny.
Anyway. That's your media update for the day.
6:54 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
 | This is the response you will get by posting "who's your stalker" and bulletins like that This didn't work did it? GEEZUS KRIGHST! All you do by posting this kind of crap is push real bulletins about real stuff down so that no one sees them. Please don't life difficult for people. These don't work, they never work, Tom doesn't even own Myspace anymore, he sold it someone who eventually sold it to FOX (the TV network). Posting a bulletin won't EVER do anything toward your myspace account. PLEASE, only post bulletins that you wrote. Save everyone a little trouble. Sorry to sound mean, but that's what it is. 10:17 AM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
July 29, 2006 - Saturday  | Baby shower Yeah, so I went to this baby shower today. I must say, it was the first (and only) baby shower I've ever been to. So, it was interesting. I was told there would be a few guys there. There were 5 of us, about 8 women or so.
So, as they started handing out clothes pin for a game where you lose clothes pins if you say the person's name, the guys and I looked at each other with worried looks and headed for the basketball court. Well, 4 of us did. Then, one left to cook meat, and the other guy escaped. So, we played basketball until the food was ready.
Yeah, I haven't played basketball in a long time, I have no hands anymore, it's pretty sad. Catching balls just doesn't happen much with my hands. Oh well, while basketball used to be almost second nature, I haven't played in like 3 years or so, maybe more.
So, anyway, back to the baby shower. We all headed back to the shower when the food was announced as ready, and we ate. It was pretty good, they opened presents, and then we cleaned up and left.
Yeah, it was pretty interesting. A single guy came, and I think he had the best gift. Oh well, I guess his mother's advice worked. His mother said "you can never have enough 'onesizies,' get some of those." So, he did, like 10 or so.
Yeah, and that's pretty much my day. Oh, and I washed the cars. Yup.
9:05 PM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
July 27, 2006 - Thursday  | So, I don't know I was supposed to move to that new project today, but I didn't hear anything about it. Today was the meeting that was supposed to tell me to switch, but I never heard about it.
Anyway, onward. My wife is going to a baby shower on Saturday and, rather than going with her, I'm going to a wonderful place known as, well, I haven't picked it out yet, but there will be fish. I've heard the Snake River is pretty much slowed down, so that might or might not be the place to go. However, a trip out to Moose Creek might be in order. Maybe even the blue lagoons. Who knows? Who wants to go with me?
Not a whole lot else going on. It's been work, tv, sleep, repeat for the past few days. I can't wait for a day or 2 to be myself, and spend time with my wife.
Ok, I'm not a big fan of scary movies. Like, I've never been. I don't watch them, and I never really have, they always seemed dumb. But, I'm going to publicly admit that they creep the crap out of me. Yeah, they do. And the commercials are getting creepier too, which scares me too. Yeah, the commercials for horror movies creep me out. TV shows about ghosts creep me out. I hate them. You can call me a wuss or whatever, but, oh well.
I've been blogging about TV a lot recently. Mostly because that's all I've been doing other than work. Well, here's something that's kinda TV and kinda work. I've been playing SOCOM 2. It's kinda weird to play online a game that I've got the source code for at work. But I enjoy it. I'm not that great, but I joined this "clan try outs" match, and owned. This reminds me of back in the day when I used to join clan try out matches in Jedi Knight. So, basically I was never any good at either game, but, MINOR VICTORY TODAY: I had more kills than deaths today in one match. This being the first time I've ever done that, I was pretty stoked.
Ok, and because he said I should I'm linking to my favorite web-comic, toothpastefordinner. So go here
10:05 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
 | Dude, did Cartman just crap treasure? You know what's funny, there's a south park episode where Al Gore almost kills the boys to get attention because he's a loser. He makes a comment at the end on how he's going to maybe make a movie about something about saving the earth. And then he actually did. Silly Al Gore. He's a bitch.
So, I found out today that I'll be most likely switching projects tomorrow. Instead of patching SOCOM 3, I'll be working on the next SOCOM game. SOCOM: Combined Assault. Yeah, it should be fun. Except for the hours. Yeah, so I'm going to be going it at 10 for a while, because I'll be working until about 8 every night, depending on my buglist. So, basically, I'll be working lots, I might not get weekends, but, my fingerprints will be in a brand new game. Which means my name will probably in the credits, which will be cool.
However, it means that I'll be basically not see my wife (or anyone else for that matter) until the game ships. So, there you go. Hello career, good bye wife.
12:28 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
July 25, 2006 - Tuesday  | So, 300 page views.... Yeah, 300. Not that many, but lordy, who wants to talk to me?
Oh, and 480 blog views. Apparently I'm loved. But I'm not sure why. I'm not that interesting. Is anyone really entertained by this shit? It's pretty interesting to me, because it's my life, but who the hell else wants to know about it.
Anyway, I found out today that the way I've been building this piece of software is not going to work. It turns out that I have to load and unload it, it can't stay resident in memory. So, I fixed that today, and I've also found out that all my nicely debugged code that I created for the process is basically going to go away. Which is good for space, and the fact that less code is less chances for bugs, but it still sucks that my code is being trashed.
Anyway, I'm going to go start putting some dinner away.
You guys have a good night, because you know I will.
8:09 PM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
July 24, 2006 - Monday  | It REALLY hasn't been that long Current mood: contemplative So, I'm sitting here watching South Park, one I've seen roughly a thousand bajillion times. It's the flashback episode where the kids are stuck in the bus from about the 2nd season. It's such a great episode. Every flashback ends with ice cream, and whoever tells the story says "Now, that's what I call a sticky situation."
So, I used to watch quite a bit of this show. I had every episode that was out (at the time) on my computer, and I would watch them all the time while I studied and fell asleep. I would download the episodes from kazaa or ares, and we'd watch more south park that regular tv. My roommate would download porn (he had a HUGE collection) and UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) movies.
We had some crazy times with downloaded movies. We had UFC night, Girls Gone Wild night, and TONS of south park nights. We had a night all about Butters. We had a guy named Andrew that we called Butters, and we sat and made fun of him and watched "Butter's very own episode." that was a cool guy. I really didn't like him much because he kinda pushed his way into inviting himself to a party we were going to. I never really liked him much after that, but it wasn't too long and I decided that not only was he pretty cool, but we ended up going to the Nickelback concert together. Butters was a rich kid from Cd'A and if you've ever seen the movies where the rich kid has the even more rich, even more annoying friend, yeah, Chad (Butter's friend) went with us. It turned out to be a really good concert, and Chad and Butters and I had a lot of fun. I almost beat this guy down because he was like 40 and pressing up on some like 15 year old girls. So, being the gentleman that I am.....I stopped him. Oh, and Puddle of Mudd SUCKS live. I like their music, but they suck live. Oh well.
Anyway, back to the dorm. We had a few interesting characters. We had a guy who hung out with a stoner. He was from South Africa, and he was white (as some South Africans are). He was pretty much a cocaine dealer. And when I say pretty much, I mean he REALLY was. Oh, and he carried a huge knife. We had 4 people named Ben. We had one Ben who was just Ben, then we had Big Ben, Hairy Ben, and Scary Ben.
Yeah, Ben was a jock who pretty much gave up his jock-ness.
Big Ben was this big red-head football player.
Hairy Ben was a pretty cool guy. His girlfriend was pretty cool too. However, together, not so much fun. Too much drama. Oh well. Hairy Ben had a room mate named Fred. Fred talked to his sister via webcam. His sister still lived at home. Well...Fred left his webcam on one night, and Hairy Ben and his woman went at it. Fred's mom and sister saw. Yeah, that was a fun day.
Scary Ben and I hung out lots, mostly because he decided I was nice and so he would just hang out. We called him Scary Ben because he had black hair, he was scrawny and pale, and he always wore this flaming skull hat. Oh, and black pants and shirts. Plus, he was really quiet. He must not be capable of speaking loudly, and he walked slowly. I was playing Tony Hawk (which I played TOO much at the time) and I had my door open. Well, I turned and looked one day, and he was kneeling on the floor watching me. I never even saw him come in, I never heard him come in.
I can't forget Joe. Joe was this gay black guy. He was pretty cool, but he got into it with the south african drug dealer one night. That would have been a good fight...very one sided, and I'm glad Joe didn't get his ass beat.
Cameron was my room mate. He was tons of fun. The only complaint was that he always would come in and turn his music on louder than mine, and his speakers were better than mine. But one night, he peed the bed. REALLY. He had a 40 and went to bed. Yeah. That's all there is to say.
So, that's my UofI dorm experiences. Can you believe I was only in there for a semester. Maybe one night I'll get started on my ISU experiences. They weren't as colorful, but they are just as treasured.
9:46 PM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
July 22, 2006 - Saturday  | just a thought
Some things you miss because you can't afford them. Some things you afford because you can't miss them.
That, ladies and germs, is a Jeff Holbrook Original (TM).
For example, I missed a family reunion. But I'm not missing my next family event. Well, assuming it's what I think it is. It's not a thing I'm going to announce it over blog, but it's no fun. 8:34 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
July 20, 2006 - Thursday  | It's official..... I'm leaving on the 11th for Nampa.....
So, that's it for today......
OH, and I'm fucking awesome at fixing bugs in the ol' socom game.
Ever try to write with your wife looking over your shoulder? that's why there's not much tonight...
9:31 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
July 19, 2006 - Wednesday  | is anyone else turned on by the dating site pictures? Damn, those girls are hot. Of course, they do that on purpose. Have you ever been to those sites? The only girls there that look like that are PSYCHO, or single mom/sluts, whores, and girls infected with (insert STD here). But, they are hot, aren't they.
I'm such a badass. Well, no I'm not. But I'm headed to Nampa soon. For real this time (if I get the time off). August 11 and 12. So, this time I'll really be sitting around in a blues bar and hanging out with friends and reading the paper. That's my plan.
I don't really have much else to say today. Peace
10:07 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
July 17, 2006 - Monday  | So, here's my life tonight... It turns out that grenades no longer go through walls, and the best tester of grenades claims that my fix is super awesome. For those who don't know about it (and most don't), I've been working on a bug at work where grenades can go through walls. Basically, we check to see if we can throw a grenade by checking the arc that the arm of the seal goes through, and if there is something in the way of the arc, we don't throw the grenade. Well, we only check at the beginning of the throw. This is fine if we just sit around and toss the grenade while sitting still. However, no matter if we turn or run, we never run the test again. If you lean and turn the right way, you can make it so your arm sticks through certain wall types, and your hand is on the other side of the wall at the time the grenade is released. So, the grenade is through the wall. I did the check more often, and the glitch is fixed.
As I sit here and ponder the meaning of life and "check engine soon" lights, drinking a beer on my deck and blogging, I can't help but think that there is more to life. Don't get me wrong. I've got a great job, a great wife, and a great family. But I can't help but be lonely. I've got my truck and my bike to occupy my time at home, and I've got my fishing and hunting to get me out of the house every now and then. I, however, regret that I didn't make more friends, and that I didn't keep more friends. There are many people that I have lost touch with and wish that I hadn't. There are also people that I thought were no good, and I broke contact on purpose, however, they really aren't bad at all. As much as I love where I'm at right now, I wish I had more friends to share it with. I've got the motorcycle group, and I've got the guys at work, and I've got Bucky. But, other than that, there's not many people here in Moscow that I can associate with.
In the never ending S-10 saga, I found out that my misfire was being caused by the gap of the spark plugs....or lack thereof.... As it turns out, .35 is not .45 (which is what was needed). I also realized that I didn't do a good job of putting them back in the engine. So, I remedied both situations, and my truck runs better still. However, my check engine light was still on. As you remember, it came on the same day I got my cataylitic converter replaced. I took it back, and they told me it was code P0138, Bank 1 Sensor 1, O2 Out of Range. So, because I can't do ANYTHING without consulting google first, I looked up the code. It turns out that P0138 is Bank 1 Sensor 2, High Voltage from O2 sensor, for S-10 pickups and Blazers. So, thinking I knew better than the shop, I replaced the rear sensor. Yeah, that was Saturday. So, I took it BACK to the shop and showed them the paper they gave me and the chilton's manual, and they told me it was a generic code to their machine, and they go by what their machine tells them, so I crawled back up under the truck, took the new O2 sensor off the back, replaced the old sensor, and put the new sensor in the front. Since I'm taking the bike to work tomorrow, I guess I'll find out Wednesday if it's actually fixed, or if I need to replace both sensors.
So, what I want to know is, who wants to help me make money? I've got a great idea on how to get free content, and make money doing it. It's great. All you have to do is put some of my content on your profile. That's all that I really need. I'll provide the code and everything. Comment me or message me if you are willing to help. I just want to see if people will help me get started. Enough responses, and maybe we'll be able get it going.
That's about all I have right now. The neighborhood kids are making it really hard for deep thought, so I think I'm going to head inside and kick back for a while in front of the boob toob.
Peace, Love, and War.
Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll, Chips Dips, Chains, Whips. You know, your basic high school orgy type of thing. (Bonus if you remember what radio station that was played on when we were in high school).
8:22 PM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
July 15, 2006 - Saturday  | Crawdads Well, 70-some odd crawdads have been caught, cooked, and eaten since Friday morning. I caught most of them with my net, and I caught 6 with the trap. And otherwise, I caught a catfish, and some smaller bass.
OH YEAH. And the largest (freshwater) fish I've EVER had on my line. It was a 2 and a half foot carp. However, it was freaking huge. It was honestly the first fish that I've ever had pull line out from my reel. And multiple times. I've seen fishing shows where the line pulls out so fast that the reel sings. Well, it happened ALOT. I fought him for a full 10 minutes or so, and brought him close enough to tell what kind of fish he was, and to see the fact that he was HUGE. He came right up to the bank, Bucky grabbed the line to try to move it to land it, and the line broke and he was gone.
That's about the the extent of it.
1st anniversary solid year. Good times.
That's all I got right now
9:27 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
 | This song has been running through my head recently..... This is a country song from a few years back. It's by Lonestar, and it's called "What Might Have Been". I've had some retrospect on things recently, and it pretty much sums up what I've been thinking about old feelings, thoughts, and choices.
Sure I think about you now and then But it's been a long, long time I've got a good life now, and I've moved on So when you cross my mind...
I try not to think about what might have been Cause that was then And we have taken different roads We can't go back again There's no use givin in And theres no way to know What might have been
We can sit and talk about this all night long And wonder why we didn't last Yes, they might be the best days we will ever know But we'll have to leave them in the past...
So try not to think about what might have been Cause that was then And we have taken different roads We can't go back again There's no use givin in And theres no way to know What might have been
That same old look in your eyes It's a beautiful night, I'm so tempted to stay But too much time has gone by We should just say good bye, and turn and walk away...
And try not to think about what might have been Cause that was then And we have taken different roads We can't go back again There's no use givin in And theres no way to know What might have been No we'll never know, what might have been 11:15 AM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |