August 22, 2007 - Wednesday |
July 29, 2007 - Sunday  | Part 2 of 1 No motorcycles today... :(
So, anyway, we got up and got ready for going out to the woods.
What a beautiful drive, again!
But, we headed to the Emerald Creek Garnet Area. Yes, Emerald area for garnets....whatever.
But, it was good, good times.
First, you grab a bucket. Then you fill it up with dirt and gravel. Next was to sort out the big, big rocks, while sifting out the sand. Once the sand was all sifted out, then you took your bucket with what was left and took it to the sluice. This is a waist high water trough with running water in it in which you wash your sifted gravel. Once you get your gravel washed out, you can start to see the garnets. They are they range from sand to "golf ball" sized (didn't see one that big...), and color is basically red wine colored, with how clear it is, depending on how thick it is. So, you pick them out, and put them in your zip-lock bag. Then, you dump your rocks, and try again.
I found a few, and some bigger pieces that have some garnets in them.
We are thinking about taking them down to the rock place in Moscow to see if the guy there says they would be worth anything. If they are worth polishing up, then we'll probably have them polished up, if not, oh well I guess, it was fun. More than worth the $10 we paid each.
But, man, it was tiring! Holy cow, I'm beat!
7:33 PM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
July 28, 2007 - Saturday  | Moscow Motorcycle Classic Weekend Part 1 of 1 Hey, it's Saturday, not Sunday, so there's only one day to write about so far...but I'll give you some idea of what I'm doing on Sunday...later...if I remember.
So, first thing this morning, I went on a ride with 3 people from the forum. It was perfect, and I'm never EVER EVER going on a ride again late in the day. We did our best to beat the heat, and it worked, it wasn't until we were 20 miles outside of Moscow that it got too hot. Moscow -> Deary -> Bovil -> Clarkia -> Santa -> Harvard -> Princeton -> Potlatch -> Moscow
BEAUTIFUL ride. One of the most beautiful rides I've ever done, and it was 117 miles too, which was really nice, not too long, not too short.
So, we headed down to the Moscow Farmer's Market after that, picked up some local produce and saw a guy I know from Bernett and Walmart. It was pretty good times, but kinda crowded.
After that, we headed down to the Cruisin' the Eastside car show. Not a whole lot of cars, and most of them we've seen before at the other local shows. We saw Johnny broadcasting live there, so we stopped to talk to him. We kept getting inturrupted for him to broadcast, but oh well. Then, the bastard puts me on the spot and throws the microphone in my face.....Anyway, I think it came out ok...I haven't heard it, I was going to see if Johnny could look it up for me and send me a copy of it.
Anyway, a short walk over to the Moscow Motorcycle classic led to some initial disappointment. There wasn't a whole lot there (first year....), but there was some good stuff. Lots of good local bikes, lots of old crusty bikers too. Not many scuzzy girls though, we were disappointed. We did see one....*shudder*
So, we watched some of the "Pro Moto Rodeo" which was basically guys on bikes, instead of horses, doing rodeo events in a rodeo arena. One guy on a KTM was cleaning up. A KTM is a bike that is setup for dirt riding and such.
Then, we came home, and are watching The Adventures of Hollyhood, the Three Six Mafia reality show.
Tomorrow, we are going star garnet hunting and looking for fishing holes too, which might take all day, depends on what the fishing looks like!
Anyway, it's about time to head downtown to the streetdance and such, so I'm gonna go.
Peace and chicken grease.
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July 15, 2007 - Sunday  | bored on a Sunday I'm bored on a Sunday. Just thought you guys should know that I'm a bored dude on a Sunday afternoon.
Yesterday, Jessica and I spent the night at a local hotel, and it was very nice. We were celebrating our anniversary (2nd) and it was lots of fun. We had a nice dinner and a bottle of champagne, then we went swimming. It was a lovely time, even though it was in the same town I live in.
I changed the oil in my pickup and the motorcycle today. That was a big fun time. I always enjoy getting my hands dirty in a labor of love for my vehicles. I figure it's the least I can do since they haul me everywhere, the least I can do is change the oil every now and then.
I bought myself a torque wrench, which I've been needing for a couple years, so I got one. It should be good for the maintainance that I do, and will do in the future, bikes and cars and pickups, so I'm glad I finally got one.
I went down and sat on bikes yesterday at Mac's. They had a couple of bikes that I would have been happy with. Actually, one was well below the price range I'm looking at, but I'm not ready to buy, so it was just sitting and talking to the salesman (he's a guy I know from the motorcycle forum).
Anyway, we talked about bikes and riding, and then we talked some more, I sat on bikes, he told me about more bikes, and then when I'd finally had enough, my wife was already in the car, so it was time.
I've haven't been as bloggy recently because I've been so damn busy, with EVERYTHING, but I'm bored on a Sunday, so, here you go.
Anyway, I'm gonna quit now because I've run out of things to say.
4:08 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
July 3, 2007 - Tuesday  | long time no blogeee so, I've been to california and back since my last blog
I drank, I fished, and that was cali
I saw some hot chicks, I met some groovy people
Other than that, I've been working, playing with my motorcycle, and fishing, and spending time with family!
fishing....I've caught some cats, and some trout and a bass or 2
motorcycles: I broke my ignition switch when I crashed my bike, and so, that part is now off, waiting on order, and I can't ride
I worked the corner at a race track, some sweeeeet bike riding, and by sweet, I mean almost 200mph, it was fucking sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet. there's no nice way to put this, I saw some FUCKING FAST bikes, and some amazing riders. Oh, and they payed me 150$ to watch these guys ride around, and man a radio for when people crashed.
I'm going to do a track day one day, but nothing like what I saw.
Anyway, I'm watching Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny, so I'm going back to watching that.
7:51 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
June 4, 2007 - Monday |
 | my ride home tonight I shut down my computer around 5:15, geared up, and headed for my bike. Some nice new dirt all over reminded me that it had rained a bit earlier. It was a pretty warm day, around 80-ish, and really muggy, so I was riding my all my jacket vents open, and the top open so that I could catch the wind and stay cool.
I'm not a big fan of the rain, and the clouds looked like they might, or might not, but it didn't look bad either way. The bike was running really good, and I was feeling really good, so I was going full throttle (remember that on a Rebel, that's about 65-70mph, don't be too impressed) and I was on my way home.
What I wasn't counting on, was the "traffic". I can't pass on my bike, and I quickly ended up behind a pickup going about 50. Well, I can pass, but they have to let me, or I have to have a downhill passing lane, and they have to be doing the speed limit. So, I rode behind, just tooling along, waiting until the next town so I could pass.
Riding along, I also didn't figure on the BUGS. Reason #32 that I wear a full face helmet is the damn bugs. I caught one in the neck, and a couple on the helmet. The worst ones are the ones that would have hit you right in the eye, and now you have to stare at them until you can clean it off. Or so I thought.
Well, I know now that the worst ones are the ones that hit you in the neck, and then go down your shirt, ALIVE. Ok, so, the way I sit on my bike, and the collared shirt I was wearing, and my jacket being open, all that, created the perfect storm for what happened next.
PING, tumble, tumble, plop.
Something hit me, rolled down my chest, into my jacket, into my shirt, and landed on my fat roll.
I was worried about it being a bee, and when I pulled it out, it would have a stinger that would get me. I was wearing leather gloves, I wasn't worried about it getting my hands, but my gut as I plucked it out of my shirt.
Oh, well, I'll get it out when I get home. Then it started moving. No, it's not crawling. That's just the air flow moving it around. No, it's crawling. It will find it's way out.
It kept crawling around on my belly. I braved it out for about 6 or 7 miles. Then, I couldn't take it anymore. I had to stop. I just knew that once I stopped, he'd realize it and get pissed.
Gloves onto the tank.
Helmet on the handle bar.
Jacket unzipped and flung open.
I looked down my shirt, and there he was. Not a normal bee, no, it was a small, furry, black and yellow bumble bee.
The top 2 buttons of my shirt came undone QUICKLY, and away it flew.
The rest of the ride was pretty uneventful, honestly. I made it home, and told my wife about it. Her face was worse than I'm sure mine was.
8:38 PM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
May 21, 2007 - Monday |
 | Have you seen this? You can get a new phone that listens to whatever you can hear, and downloads that song to your phone. It's a new thing they are advertising for some phone company. It's really neat and everything, and I haven't seen any products with that idea before, HOWEVER, IT'S NOT NEW!
Back when I was in college, I read an article suggesting that you could have a computer program identify music based on audio input. It was a neat idea, but it was a couple of years old then. I actually relied on that paper for a project that I wrote a proposal for in my Technical Writing class.
Basically, my project was this: You sign into a peer to peer network, and select music to "share". You then create a playlist of songs that you have shared and songs that others have shared. If you don't know the title/artist of the song, you could try to hum a few bars or whatever to have it try to identify it, to help build your playlist. Then, the songs would play. The songs you hand locally would just play, and the songs that were hosted on another computer would stream across the internet so it would play.
It was a neat project idea (to me), but the problem is that getting something like that going would be a pain in the ass.
Anyway, I'm glad Bone Thugs is back. YAY!
have a good day, I'm going to go get ready for work
7:25 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
May 20, 2007 - Sunday  | I just got done cleaning catfish. 19 of them. They look really tasty, I tell you what.
Here's how last night went:
We headed down to Lewiston around 4:30, so we got there around 5. We fished in the marina because that's where we always catch catfish. My wife caught a tiny sunfish and an even smaller bass. Bucky and I caught NOTHING.
It got cloudy, and windy, then rainy. So we left. We went to Taco John's and ate tacos. We headed back to another spot around the same marina. It was pretty close to dusk, and the wind and rain had stopped. It wasn't too long before we had 4 poles in the water (Bucky has a 2-pole permit, so he had 2), and we sat down to wait.
Then, they hit. 2 at a time. Too fast to keep up. I'd be helping Jessica unhook a fish and my line would go, or Bucky would be casting and his other pole would go. We spent an hour or so trying to keep up with the fish. We threw back a few small ones, so we probably caught 25 catfish in all. It was the most amazing fishing I've ever done. It was, in a word, hectic.
Once it got too dark to see anything, we headed back to the car and went home. It was a good day. The fish weren't big, 19 fish weighed 10 pounds, but they were a bitch to clean because you have to skin them and their skin is hard to pull.
So, that's what we did yesterday. MMMMM.
1:36 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
 | catfish I didn't think they'd be biting....
they were.
Bucky's got a 2 pole permit, and we almost had to take a pole out of the water because they wouldn't leave us alone. We'd get all setup and a pole would start bouncing, about the time that fish was near the shore, another pole would start bouncing. It was hectic, and I was out of breath. We caught some good cats, and some small cats, but I've got to get to cleaning up so I can clean the fish. It was criz-azy, yo.
bleh, I'm done blogging today
8:46 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
May 18, 2007 - Friday  | alrighty.... It's Friday, and I'm in a pretty good mood.
I have a solid theory on the stupid bugs I've been working on. Hopefully we can trap it, and get it all fixter'ed up, and finally get DLC2 out...yeah right...haha.... Also, I've made a lot of headway in getting shit finally working for my data patching systems. I'm going to get people moving on getting shit setup for testing that later. I think I'm going to ask for my own universe so I can upload whatever patches I want and test it, just to keep from having to wait on which ever person is holding me up...I find it's better to just plow ahead hurt people's feelings than have people pushing on me to get stuff done.....they won't be that hurt.....
Also, I've been riding my motorcycle EVERYWHERE. I fired my pickup up twice this week, I had to drive to get some drink mixes the other day, so I figured, why not, and then to Shucks and back. I'll fire it up again tomorrow to go get more oil...turns out, I don't have an extra jug anymore.....and I'll fire it up when I go to test the brakes that I'm installing. Yeah, I've got a fun mechanical weekend setup for myself. Changing the oil isn't exciting in the least, but it needs to be done, and I'll probably be good on my pickup until like October if I keep riding my bike this much. The car needs to be done before we take off next weekend.
I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow, so, I can quit being so damn emo. I'm pretty stoked about it. My hair has been annnoying me. I want to keep some of the length, but I can't have it poking towards my eyes in my helmet. Also, it just looks really sloppy and shaggy.
Then, I'm playing mechanic! Oil changes and brake job! Yay for getting dirty and rolling around on concrete! I had to go buy a wrench for the brakes, turns out, it's not a normal socket, Chevy uses an allen wrench. So, I go in, and start looking. The guy asked me if I was finding what I needed, "I dont' know which one, but I need one of these....", pointing to the allen wrench sockets. He asked me what it was for, and upon hearing it was a Chevy, for brake job, he informed me it was 3/8. He proved it to me by saying he had 2 chevy's, and they actually sell chevy brake removal tools that are 3/8" allen wrenches. So, I bought it.
After the short stint as a mechanic, I'm taking my wife and a buddy, and we are going down to the snake river to go fishing. I don't know where Bucky is going to have us try, but I don't really care. I just want to get down and go fishing. If we run into any cats, I'm all for it. If we don't, I don't care. There are plenty of bass down there to catch.
Sunday....I don't know...I think I'm going to get up and go turkey-lurky hunting, as it is the last weekend that I can until the fall season opens. Oh well, I guess. Then, after turkey hunting, I don't know. I dont' really care either. It won't really matter. I'll be happy..maybe I'll go for a ride. Maybe I'll spend time with my wife. Who knows.
Anyway, it's time for me to get off the couch and shower up so I can get to work.
Y'all have a good day, because you know that I will. I'll be the one watching youtube videos all day long!
7:21 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
May 16, 2007 - Wednesday  | Bike night I've been riding my bike all week, and it's been nice. You wouldn't believe how nice it is to get out and ride.
I really don't know what to do with myself. I need to find more cheap/free entertainment. I need to fish more I guess...
I won some movie tickets and a gift certificate to a local bar, so that means DATE NIGHT!
I haven't been blogging much, I don't know if that's a sign of internal happiness or depression, I can't tell right now. I've had some stress at work, caused by bullshit and some people. I'm not one to place blame where it lies publicly, so I won't because they don't deserve it.
I don't know how much more I can take. I feel like I'm 100 feet deep in bullshit sometimes, and the only way to freedom is a drastic change to everything. I don't know what to do.
.....damn depressing movie that I'm watching.......
10:59 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
May 13, 2007 - Sunday  | I was going to blog but, I clicked on the link, and ran out of steam.
My cat is going crazy.
I went turkey hunting today. No turkeys.
I'm tired.
I want to go for a motorcycle ride. I'll probably ride tomorrow to work.
Yay for laying on the couch.
3:40 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
May 7, 2007 - Monday  | 170 miles in 2 days Not a lot, but a pretty good chunk of miles on my bike. It was pretty good, by my ass starts hurting after about 50 miles.
I really wanted to see if I could do long distances, and I can, but it will take me a while because I'll probably have to stop every 100 miles or so, and I still can't get moving very fast in a lot of places.
Part of my ride invovled Spiral. I was so worried about cops that I rode 35 the entire way, and I found out that Spiral is pretty boring at 35. But, that was to be expected. It was the first really twisty part since my wreck, and I wanted to take it easy, so I did.
The rest of my my 2 rides were pretty good, about 65 miles on Saturday, and about 110 miles yesterday.
I got a new jacket and gloves for riding. I wont' be riding with the cut-off gloves anymore. That was stupid. I won't be riding with a crappy jacket anymore. That was stupid.
My new gloves are leather, and full length.
My new jacket is textile, but will hold up better than my old leather jacket. It also has armor built it, and a liner that can zip in and out depending on temperature. It also has vents that open up to create air flow if the jacket isn't cool enough. You can also get a "cool vest" or something that you soak in water and it provides evaperative cooling all day, so if I go on any long rides, I'll probably get one of those.
But, to go on long rides, I'll need a more comfortable seat, and more leg room....
So, now that I have a real jacket and gloves, I think I need to get a new bike.....just kidding.....that comes later.....
Anyway, time for me to start getting ready for work.
Ya'll have fun, I'm out.
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