Ok, starting with Moto GP at Zeppoz.....
yeah, the waitress....she's not ok
the food was typical zeppoz food
the 250 race was a decent race. Not that great, but not very eventful. Even the wrecks weren't eventful.
*********************SPOILER ALERT*****************************
Ok, Lorenzo is tied for first place in the MotoGP standings with Pedrosa. Ok, it's early in the season, so this may not last forever, but he's podiumed in every race, he's taken a 2nd, a 3rd, and now, today in Estoril, he won. Beating out Pedrosa and Rossi.
Whoopty-shit, right? Ok, so the man's fast. Well, this is his first year in this class. Last year he was running the 250 bikes.
He's gonna be one to watch!
******************END SPOILER************************************
So, after the races ended, I came home and grabbed my camera, filled my (new) camel-back, and jumped on my bike and went for a spin. By, the way, I was wearing shorts and a short sleeved shirt. There were scantily clad females running all over campus, so the scenery was good, but I worked up a good sweat.
Man, the weather was nice today.
My camera mount holds the camera really rock steady (considering what is happening), but slowly slides forward. And when I come down hard on it, it goes. I need to find a way to stabilize it, or need to find another mounting method for my aggressive style.
*not that I'm all aggro all the time...I huff and puff after a few seconds....but on the downhill spurts, the cam ends up recording a downward shot instead of the up-coming trail.