Saturday, January 31, 2009

a few tidbits

marley and me...good movie.

homebrewing with loose pellet hops...strain as you transfer into secondary fermentation using a metal strainer for easier bottling!

motorcycles are fun...yay!

sage is awesome.

.357 revolvers ftw, also kimber 1911's too!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I took some pics of sage, and I went shooting.

shooting vids to come when I upload them.

couple shotguns, couple 22's and my tikka! total blast.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

puppeh adventures

she's whining in her crate, but I think the whining is becoming less.

she's pottying less and less in the house, and more and more outside.

and we are going to a potty training seminar on saturday.

but, she's a little cutie, and she's a lot of fun.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

new puppeh

Her name is sage, and she's just about 8 weeks old. She's a UKC registered Rat Terrier, and she's as cute as hell. She'll be about 10-12 inches tall, and 10-12 pounds according to the lady we got her from.

We got her on Saturday, and she hates her collar and name tag. She's a little spaz, and she loves to go to petsmart, and the people there love her too.


Good luck, bro!

You are in for some hard days till things get sorted out, and I wish you the best.

Monday, January 12, 2009

trophy hunting is bad!

Human Hunters Genetically Shrink Their Prey

By killing big percentages of the largest, sexually mature big-horn sheep or cod, humans can apply a withering selective pressure on huge numbers of animals. But it's not just that overall harvested animal numbers are shrinking — it's that the individuals themselves are shrinking, too, losing an average of 20 percent of their mass over mere decades.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

shamrock stout

initial gravity: 1.044

first batch with my new boiler. it worked great.

my friend mike came over to "help". he ended up helping quite a bit, pouring, lifting, bullshitting with me while the pot boiled.

it tastes good and looks good.

I'm stoked about it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Internets broken...due to rain? maybe....

Heath Gifford says (8:27 AM):
are your internets broken?
Jeff Holbrook says (8:27 AM):
Heath Gifford says (8:27 AM):
Heath Gifford says (8:27 AM):
Jeff Holbrook says (8:27 AM):
having trouble with pandora
Heath Gifford says (8:27 AM):
anything that has to stream just sucks
Jeff Holbrook says (8:27 AM):
able to browse fine
Jeff Holbrook says (8:27 AM):
must be the water clogging the streams
Heath Gifford says (8:27 AM):
Jeff Holbrook says (8:27 AM):
the toobs are only so big
Heath Gifford says (8:28 AM):

Saturday, January 3, 2009

batteries don't last as long as they used to

in either my walkie talkies or my ski legs.

I'm tired and my walkie talkies are too.

But, yay!

It hurts soo good.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

new year

I'm home from the holidays.

Good trip, glad to be home.

Last night, I went to bed around 9. Yes, 9pm on New Years Eve.

Today, I've done some cleaning, some grocery shopping, and some ski clothes shopping.

I also went for a short ride.

New Year's resolution roundup from last year:
lose 10 pounds (or was it 20?) well, my scale said I was 240ish last new years, but that was post holidays....before I left for the holidays, I was 230ish....hmm....well...probable fail
pay off something, well...moving and some other things caused this not to happen....
but, better dental hygiene...or as I like to call it "keeping my teeth" has become a huge priority!

I think there was something else, but oh well.

this year: continue with last off bills, lose some weight, keep up the dental hygiene.
also: more motorcycle miles than pickup miles.

wish me luck!