June 4, 2006 - Sunday  | Fishing So, Jessica and I went fishing/hiking yesterday. My boss gave me a tip about a place where the Potlatch River flows, and it's a 2 mile hike. It's beautiful. I can't believe how nice it is there.
The fish aren't plentiful, but they are there, and if you know how to catch them, they are between 4 and 8 inches long. Not very big, but they are about half serving fish. A couple might make a good meal. But what I'm really excited about are the crawdads. I bought a trap, and I need some bait. I can of cat food, believe it or not, makes a pretty good bait, I guess, and I'm going to try it. Some of them are almost bite sized, but there are quite a few that are decent sized. Not that crawdads are big anyway, but they taste REALLY good. I've got to get a good size pot, but it has to be light, so I can cook them up.
The hike is only about 2 miles, and it's not really steep or rough. Except for a log, it's a 4 wheeler trail, all the way down. It's not terrible, but you can't make it down. Someone has taken a bbq and a table down there. There is also a trash can.
There's a few decent camp sites that we found, but we'll find better ones I think when we fish up and down the area for a while. I'm taking my fly pole and my new spinning pole (my wife's new pole). I've got spinners and flies, and we'll take some worms too. Between the fish and the crawdads, we should have a good food supply. I kinda want to bring some crawdads back in my water bottles for Jessica, she was too excited when we saw them in the water yesterday. Maybe I'll just take a detour on the way to work and back one day to drop off my trap and get it one day...we could have crawdads for dinner!
Anyway, I think it's time to sign off. (Oh, and I'm not going to tell you exactly where it is on this, but you can ask).
3:23 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
May 27, 2006 - Saturday  | Interesting Day.... Current mood: drained My brother drove from Helena to Moscow yesterday, and got there at about 11pm. I was still awake from a hard day of grenading myself 1000 or so times all week (literally, but in a game so it's ok). Basically, I wasn't that tired, but we started out for Moscow this morning, and went to my cousin's graduation party. He barely graduated. He's been a total asshole to his family, and it was total mixed emotions. I can't help but be happy for him, but I'm really pissed off at him for not at least having some sympathy for his dad.
So, my parents have are remodelling and it's torn our house apart. Scott and I are in town to lay some hardwood floor. Scott had a big boner for this movie "The New World." So we got it...he promptly started snoring, and even though we hated it, there was nothing better to do, so here we are watching it.
Tomorrow should be interesting, all day of laying floor, and then Bev and Dan are staying with us. This is my mom's sister, and her son (my cousin). This should be an interesting night! If you don't know, my mom's side of the family is NUTS. Don't get me wrong, I love them all, but they are crazy, and louder than Jessica thinks I am.
Anyway, speaking of my wife, she's in Twin Falls right now, spending time with her family. She would be pretty much worthless when it came to laying floor, and so she decided to skip the work, and go hang out with her mom.
I am thinking I need to head to Sun River this year, mostly because I haven't in a few years. I haven't made it to the Holbrook reunion, really since I left for college. It's too bad. Those are the best. I'd really like to get the time off, but I think I'll just take a day or 2 off. I'd really like to save some time off for deer hunting and elk hunting camp. I think I can take July 4th weekend and go camping, and then go to Sun River, whenever it is.
I kinda wish that I could have gotten together with Mark Stacey tonight, but I was so tired, I don't think it would have been a good idea. But, I really hope to go fishing with him this summer, up the Clearwater or St. Maries or something. I'd really like to get into some good river fly fishing. I haven't done that for YEARS.
Fishing and camping. I just want to this summer. I want to spend a few Friday nights out at Blue Lagoons, or some place like that. I also really think I need to camp at elk river this year. I know there are camp sites along the reservior, but I don't know if they will be taken when I want to go. I also need a freaking boat. I'd really like to spend some time boat fishing for bass, something I've never been able to do (successfully).
10:13 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
March 24, 2006 - Friday  | A pirate looks at 23 Yeah, it's my birthday. And I'm sitting at work, on a Friday. It's not too bad though, because I'm burning the CD with a copy of the game on it, and it works (hopefully). It's pretty sweet. It took me WAAYY too long, but I finally got it done. I'm stoked that not only is it my first real project at my first real job, but, unlike when most of my fellow graduates finish their first projects, mine will be blogged about, whined about, and generally reacted to by a large online community. Generally, recent grads end up working on internal software, or "Enterprise" software for a few years before working on publicly available software, but mine will be used by a couple hundred thousand people. I think I'm going to find the a blog about how much it sucks....and frame it. It will be something to be proud of. Some people frame their first dollar, I'm going to frame the first time my code ever got blogged about. I'm headed home (to the big NP) tomorrow. I'll be "helping" clean out the old shop, which means I'll do heavy lifting for my healing uncle, and desk flying dad. No offense to either of them, but both have been in better shape than me, but now I think I have both of them. My dad because he's been flying a desk for too long, and my uncle, because he just had a tumor removed from his head about a month ago. My mom called me today to tell me that she doesn't get labor pains anymore from my birthday. Which is good....it was 23 years ago. My wife took me out to coffee this morning, and I'm making her take me out to dinner tonight. We are also selling our washer tonight. Happy Birthday to me! I love moving washers on my birthday! WHOO HOO. Oh well, we get $80 out of it. It would probably be easier for me and one of my buddies to deliver it than to help these guys move it, but at least I don't have to move it in where it's going, just out of where it's at this way. We still have the bed and dryer to sell, so if you know anyone that needs either of these....let me know. They are both in good shape, the dryer is about 20 years old, and the bed has a puke stain, and a couple others, but is really nice to sleep on. So, I'm sitting here in Deary, waiting for my CD burner and my boss to come down and tell me to change how I fixed this, once I make sure that it works with my "elegant" solution, I need to get my boss's approval (changes) and I'll send it out to be part of the code. Which is pretty cool. My third checkin, and my second where it will have my name on it. It will also be my second logged bug fixed. Which will be cool. Anyway, I think I've rambled on long enough. It's time to go. My CD is almost done, and I've GOT to dookie. hehe..you all wanted to know that, I'm sure. 10:08 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
March 14, 2006 - Tuesday  | so, I'm moving That's right. I'm moving from my shit hole of a trailer and into a nice duplex. It is SOO nice. It feels more like a house than a duplex. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, a nice deck out the back for BBQ's and stuff. I'm going to have an office, and it won't have a bunch of my wife's stuff to get in my way. I'll be able to put my hunting and camping and fishing stuff away in an easily accessible manner. I think that's what I'm most excited about is having an office that will be able to store my tools and my "gear". I've decided that I need to build some shelves in the closet to put stuff on, and I'll have some good shelving in the rest of the room. We started moving in yesterday, we took my pickup bed full of stuff over and unpacked it all. We've got another trip to make tonight with more stuff from my office, but it won't be too bad. A lot of that stuff is just tuck away and never use stuff, while some of it is open and use for the first time stuff (wedding gifts that we didnt' have room for). Work is great, I've got 2 playstations at my desk, and I'm kicking butt. I've found that if I amp myself up on caffine, I do better....go figure... I'm also learning SOO much as I go. I'm able to learn more and more about the code base (which is HUUUGE). The guy who started about 2 months before me said to me yesterday "when I'm feeling cocky, I think I'm familiar with about 5% of the code". Which is a pretty bold statement I think.....Luckily, a lot of the code is reused in many ways, and most things are duplicated 2 and 3 times. For instance, when reading stuff, reading from a CD, HDD, and USB key are all similar, so you can use examples. Oh, and on the hunting arena of things....not that I was hunting last night or anything....but I was driving, about 20 minutes until sunset, and I think to myself, it's about time, I should start looking for deer, so I do, and 2 seconds later, 3 little deer on the side of the road. I'm also seeing lots of birds. Quail are almost daily, and so are hawks. If I'm lucky I'll see some pheasants. But the coolest birds I've seen are the other day I saw 2 bald eagles just flying around. It was really cool. I can't wait to get Jessica's camera in my truck. I need to start taking pictures. I just love wildlife pictures. Ok, well it's time to wake my wife up, I'll put more later. ~jeff 8:04 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 26, 2006 - Sunday  | It's been a while... So, I'm sitting here, and I'm waiting for bed..basically...It's too early to sleep, but not early enough to actually do much. Work is great, I finally fixed my first bug. I was getting worried that I wouldn't find it, and I was worried that I was in the wrong business. "Can't isn't an option, the answer is there" is what my boss would say, and I couldn't find it. Anyway, I found it. My truck died a few times, turns out it was a loss of power because of the loss of connection between my battery cable and terminals...caused by my auxiliary lights, so I unhooked them from the crappy way they were, and made them better. I also cleaned my terminal and got it to connect better. Jessica is doing great, she's knitting up a storm, believe it or not. She's decided to make scarves for xmas this year, and is getting an early start. I got new camping gear with my last wal-mart check. I got a new sleeping bag (which I have needed for years), a stove, lantern, and gas bottle, and water filter. Now I can backpack, and be comfortable. All I really need now is a good chair/thermarest combo and I'll be good to go. My sleeping bag is good to -10, so I'll be good for hunting too! Oh, and I got a NICE hatchet for xmas...which will be good for hunting and camping.....or both at the same time!!!! Turkey season is coming, and I think I'll be able to afford a nice shotgun before the season, but if not, Wal-Mart sells 3" magnum shells that will fit in my gun, and are good turkey loads. I'm pretty stoked about turkey hunting this year. I'm also looking forward to attempting elk this year too! We are looking at places to live this week, and we are getting excited about moving. So...that's the Jeff update, not like anyone ever reads this crap. 9:02 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 18, 2006 - Saturday  | Update So, I'm leaving for Nampa this morning, it's 6am. Yeah, and I just wish that I could have left already. My first week at work has left me without doing much actual work. You would think they would have set me up a computer, or something, but because it's such a small office, there's no IT department, and I'm left setting up my own computer. However, that means that I don't have to wait for some IT guy to work on my computer. I've also found that in the real world, unlike at a crap job, there's lots of waiting. While at Wal-Mart and all the food places that I worked, I could always be doing something. In the real world, there's waiting to compile, and waiting to install, and waiting to download, and waiting to burn (DVD's and CD's). It's pretty crazy. I'm almost to the point that I can start work on a real project. I've got a couple more pieces of software to install, and then I'll be good to go. Anyway, it's time to go, not sure what I need to do, but just make sure that stuff gets ready to go. Have fun.... Don't do anything I wouldn't do......which is a very short, but very important list......... 6:40 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 15, 2006 - Wednesday  | First Day 5 hours of playing video games......that's what my first day was like at my first real job.... that's it... 9:25 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 14, 2006 - Tuesday  | Last Damn Day at Wally World Current mood: accomplished So, I'm done. I am totally done with Wal-Mart, and I never have to show up and clock on again. I did my last punch at 12:53 tonight, and I am SOOOO relieved. No more Assistant Managers on power trips. No more "mods" (that's what they call what is supposed to go on the shelf). No more new mod, not on mod, setting mod, resetting mod, POS REPLEN, IMPORT ASM, COMAC, BUYER REQ, FEA, TAB, BTC, NOV2TAB, BLITZ, NOTHING. It's over. On a positive note, I got pulled over and informed of a law tonight on my way home. Apparently, your license sticker needs to be in the lower right hand corner of the plate, not the upper corner...So, I was pulled over and basically checked out, and sent on my way, he thought my tags were expired....but they were just in the wrong place. He let me off...I had a gun in the back, and he asked about it. I had a 6-pack of beer in the front, he didn't see it, or ignored it. So, anyway, I start my new job Wednesday, which means I have tomorrow off, and I need to get some crab, and cook it, and some steak. MMMMMMMMMMMMM CRAB AND STEAK. 1:28 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 10, 2006 - Friday  | Another day off, another late, sleepless night Current mood: blank So, Sylvester Stallone did a movie about being locked up. WTF is with me watching the end of TERRIBLE movies late at night? I don't know. First Bloodsport, and now this? LOR-DEE. Oh, my mom sent me some editorial cartoons about Brokeback Mountain (the gay cowboy movie). One of them has kids with cowboy hats on making out, and the mom saying to the dad "they saw the movie, and are playing cowboys". There's also one about erections! WHOO HOO! Gay cowboy erections! Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm just about done with Wal-Mart, and will never have to work there again! I'm building a trebuchet. It's almost done except for attaching the 2 main pieces together. The base needs to attatch to the swing arm, and then it will be just down to tuning the damn thing. I've even made the release adjustable (as long as you don't adjust it too many times). So, that's what I've been up to. I'm out. 1:31 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 7, 2006 - Tuesday  | Red Necks, White Socks, and Blue Ribbon Beer So, I spent a few hours last night losing at Blitz football at my buddy's house. I'm REALLY bad at it....I'm not so much bad at offense, I had 50 points. I'm more really terrible at defense. I got 2 interceptions, and other than that, he scored every possesion...He beat me by 99 points. I called in sick today so that I could spend some time slacking off. I just wish I had more time, so I could go home and play construction in my parent's house before I started my new job. Oh well. I think I may go and check out a bike tonight. We'll see. I may give it a ride if I like it. 86 Honda Rebel 250. Not a big bike, but a good begginner's bike (and I'm a beginner). So, that's the update in my life. Carry on. out 3:45 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 5, 2006 - Sunday  | Not feeling too bad ...considering that I drank a bunch last night. I also got my neighbor pissed off at me (at least one, maybe more) and had beer spilled on my carpet. Anyway, call me crazy, but I'm going to go and hang out with Taber for a while. He's the one that got me in trouble with the neighbor, because he's an ID10T. Yeah. So, there's the update. I can't wait to work through the superbowl, yet again. Not like I watch it anyway, but at least I could be hanging out with my buddies instead of working. And what are they going to do? Fire me? Pu-lease!!!!! I hate that place, I've got a new job, and I want to just up and leave for good. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ok, bye 2:10 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 2, 2006 - Thursday  | Invalid Subject line, you cannot leave the subject blank. So, I put my 2 weeks in at work. I'm pretty excited about it. I won't have to lift boxes, or cut boxes, or move bags of dog food for a living ever again. I'll be able to find real work, I'll have real experience, and I'll be a Software Engineer. I'm looking forward to moving ASAP. I'm also looking at moving to a place where I can get a new piece of hunting equipment, and have a good friend (whom I've yet to meet) move in with me. Both of these, of course, all rolled up into a single black furry package commonly referred to as a labrador puppy. So, my job hunt is over, and I get interviews from 2 other places, I already had another interview planned, and I was working on setting up more by preparing to attend a job fair in a few days. Now, it looks like instead I'll be slacking off, drinking beer with my buddies and maybe getting stuff ready to move. I guess we'll see what happens. Anyway, I'm off to search online websites for places to live (and find nothing new...but oh well). Good night to my (un)faithful readers who never reveal themselves or comment or anything. So, SCREW YOU...but only if you can convince my wife to let me....hehe.... Peace 2:26 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 1, 2006 - Wednesday  | You bet your ass I got a job Yeah, I got a job. In Deary, ID. I'll be working for Blevin's Enterprises, working on the SOCOM series of PS2 and PSP games. So, I'm putting in my 2 weeks at Wal-Mart TONIGHT!!!! That's right....I'll be free of moving boxes for a living, and living in a shit hole of a trailer. I'll be able to afford a real place to live, and I'll be able to afford some real stuff, not the cheap Wal-mart substitute for stuff. Oh, and I'm getting a dog and a motorcycle soon! WHOOO HOOOOO Ok, well, I gotta get moving, I want to stop by the pet store to look at the puppies and then pick up taber. PEACE 3:25 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 26, 2006 - Thursday  | Ok....I've had it Who the crap is reading my blog? Not that I care that you are...I just want to know you are...so I can stalk you back...hehe...So leave me comments or something. Anyway, I'm sitting here just drinking a Guiness and chatting with a buddy from the good old Poca-Ghetto. He was my old roomie in the dorm in that shit hole of a university. So, I got the interview with the company here in town. I'm stoked....except for the 30 minute presentation and the 4 hours that I have to spend there...8am to Noon, Friday the 9th. Crazy eh? Finally starting updating my music collection after being a good boy and not getting music for about 2 years. It's nice to finally have new music to listen to. My computer is finally working too! The only problem is that I'm bored and have no project. Bleh. It's the middle of the night. I'm out to surf the web some, maybe play some games..you know....stuff 1:04 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 25, 2006 - Wednesday  | Update Haven't posted in a while (not like anyone reads this....), so here's the news: Waiting on the company in Deary about working on Playstation Games. I've had all the interviews, and they are just making a decision. He's waiting on the parent company. HOWEVER: I've got another interview with a company in Moscow. They want me to come in and do a presentation, with a 4 hour interview. ALSO: Healthwise (the company in Boise that my dad works for) has opened up a position and asked me to apply....which is a good sign. So.........anyway, I am getting closer to leaving Wal-mart for good! WHOO HOOO! Oh, and I'm listening to Johnny Cash recently. Yeah, not just country (for a rocker like me???), but OLD country. Yeah, I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOO bored right now because I have no projects and no money to start a project. I'm out, Peace. 12:03 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |