January 20, 2006 - Friday  | I hate computers..... Current mood: pissed off I just "fixed" my computer....and it isn't fixed. Well, it might be. I have no idea whether or not it is. It could be my router or my internet. It seems that I have it fixed....not sure.....I'm trying to keep the internet active....I guess we'll see if it dies here...I upgraded the firmware on my router, hoping that would stop it......eh.....I hate computers.......oh.......and the final interview with Blevins (with Zipper people) was NOT a behavior interview (as I was told it would be), it was a very technical, upper level C++ interview...and it sucked.
Oh well, computers and jobs suck, I'll just work at Wal-Mart FOREVER.
P.S. I punched a wall today, and I shot a tree branch off with my shotgun. 3:54 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 16, 2006 - Monday  | Someone has been reading my blog.... ...I think...which is cool. I'm mostly doing it for myself.....but, you can read it.....it's boring, but it's mine. Yesterday, after work, I ended up playing poker with some of the people from work. That is to say, I lost at poker, and drank, while everyone else played poker. I had probably three quarters of a pint of whisky last night to go with my poker losing streak...so basically, I didn't give a flying rat's ass. My head has hurt all day, my stomach is fine now that I've eaten, drank, showered and such. But, I want you all to know that my hands and ears suffered the worst....it was COOOOOOOOOLD on the bike ride back to pick up my truck this morning (around noon). Now, I get to go spend some time with my best buddy in the entire world, JASON STEVENS!!! I get to install PHP for a guy who is freaking crazy smart, but won't touch it because Bill Gates hasn't personally endorsed PHP. Oh well. I'm on day 8 of 10 in a row unloading trucks, and I'm about beat to shit and back. So, I'm calling it a day, and head off to Jason's house. ~end 1:08 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 15, 2006 - Sunday  | Walking, wishing Jessica and I went for a walk today around the area, looking at houses. Little did we know we'd end up snooping around emtpy houses that are for sale. Well, we did.....We found this old house...lots of potential...but lots of costs......also, a duplex.....alas....we are poor and can't afford the $278,000 asking price! Anyway, it's another nice day of sleeping till 11 and hanging out with my wife....totally ruined by work. Peace 3:33 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
 | nothing... Saturday...hanging out and spending time with my wife. Sunday looks to be about the same....mmmm....good times. Nothing really to report.....so, I'm out 12:16 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 14, 2006 - Saturday  | HOLY COW ONE STEP CLOSER TO MY GOAL!!!!! I got a request for my references and transcript from Blevin's Enterprises, which means I've made it to the next part of the interview process. Maybe I'll actually get a job....we'll see.... I've just got to finish gathering my references, I want to get a professor to put on my reference sheet, and then ask my mom how many references to put down. Then I'll send them off. Anyway, 2000 pieces today, we didn't really start working our frieght until 10:30, and we finished early.....it's getting to be pretty sad when we do that much in such little time. Imagine if we could just leave whenever we were done, we'd be done so much faster. So, another beer, and I'll be in bed, Peace. 1:23 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 13, 2006 - Friday  | another day, another dolla So, I've got ANOTHER interview in Moscow....a phone interview with Comtec AHA. I would be doing some pretty cool stuff. I'd be writing drivers and software to verify Integrated Circuit designs. Anyway, I came home to go to bed, and I'm headed there soon. So, good night. 12:21 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 12, 2006 - Thursday  | Interview Well...after 2 and a half hours of the most intense questioning by the Blevins Enterprises, the interview went pretty well. I'm hoping to get this job...it would be really nice to be able to move away from the tiny little trailer and into a real place. You know....Something about this shit hole being a terrible place to live.... I spent a couple hours last night finding out how little watching Poker on tv helps my (lack of) skills. Yeah, I was the first one out....but I have Guiness left over from last night! So there you go. Anyway, I'm still trying to find a job, and it's NOT working. I guess I'll see where life takes me. ~Peace 3:19 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 9, 2006 - Monday  | Returned from Twin Falls I just got back from spending a couple days in Twin Falls with my in-laws. Crazy stuff went on, you know, swimming at a hot spring, finishing Christmas gift giving and visits. It was really nice. I get back, and in my email is a letter offering a phone interview with a company in Moscow! This is a company that has worked on Socom for the Playstation. It's pretty cool. However, we'll see if I get it. I'd like to, but then I'd have to stay in town...which might or might not be a bad thing. Anyway, I guess he's going to call soon, so I'll just end this now, and wait for his call. ~Peace 9:49 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 3, 2006 - Tuesday  | Late at Night Current mood: awake I can't sleep, and it's 4am. I just found out that the end of Bloodsport doesn't make me want to watch the rest of the movie. I also found out that Vodka mixes VERY well with berry juice. Anyway, I'm missing a huge remodel at home, I still don't have a job, and I need to find a way to make my office usable again. I think I'm going to have to get some pallets and make some shelves or something because I don't have enough storage. Maybe I'll also start getting stuff ready for a dump run. 4:17 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 2, 2006 - Monday  | What up Current mood: dirty After many years of not having a place on the web to call my own, I finally do. Just a little place where people can keep track of me (or relocate me). If you are really curious as to how I'm doing, email me or something! 12:29 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
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