July 13, 2006 - Thursday  | The Plan Ok, I've got tomorrow off work. Soooooo....I've got to make the most of it.
First thing: tonight, I've got to get some worms. It's been a long time since I've used an electric prod to get worms, but I'm borrowing Bucky's, and his worm box, tonight to get as many as possible.
My plan is to get out of bed around 7....maybe 9.....and go fishing. Well, not just regular fishing I'm going crawdad and trout fishing. I'll take a little cooler for the fish, and probably just carry the crawdads in the trap on the hike out. Yes, I'm going to my secret spot, and NO, you can't come.
Then, I'm going home...when I feel like it....and calling around for tune up parts for my truck. plug wires, cap, rotor, 02 sensor, and serp. belt. Finding the cheapest source of these parts, getting them.
And then maybe working on installing some of these parts.
Then....I'm going fishing...that's right....AGAIN. Except this time I'm going crawdad and catfishing down on the snake.
So, there you go. I'm better than you....well....I'm fishing tomorrow....that's really all there is to that....
2:59 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
July 11, 2006 - Tuesday  | motorcycle riding exploits I've been looking for something to do, either a club or another job, maybe some volunteer work. Well, I found something. I found a group of casual motorcycle riders that I think I'm going to start joining. Just something so that I'm not working and going home.
But, since I rode to work, and then rode home, then to the place to meet with the group, and then the ride, and the ride home, I did 160 miles. That is more than twice what I have ever done in one day, and my ass is NUMB. I can barely feel it, and walking is almost too much from one end of my house to the other.
My uber-ride today: This morning: Moscow -> Deary 30 miles This afternoon/evening: Deary-> Moscow 30 miles Moscow->colfax, 25 miles Colfax -> Palouse -> Pullman ->Colfax 50 miles colfax->moscow (home) 25 miles
Yeah, it was tons of fun, but my ass....you don't want to know how much it is numb.
Oh, and I hate bugs. I don't know which is worse, big bugs with a dull thud, or small bugs with a sharp sting. Those damn bugs are why I wear a face mask when I ride.
10:19 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
Do you really want people to have the code to the government systems. Having the code makes it that much easier to find holes in it.
ok....I'm going back to work now....I'm going on a ride today with a group of motorcycle riders, I'll tell you all about it tonight (if I feel like it)
11:24 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
July 9, 2006 - Sunday  | Ok, Fish Stories So, my in-laws have been in town for a few days. They left yesterday. Well, on Friday, they took Jessica down to Spring Valley. Between the 3 of them, they caught multiple bluegills and tons of trout. They kept 9 trout. Well, Jessica caught quite a few of them, and some good sized ones.
SO, that was Friday. We went to this play called "Lend me a Tenor" at the UI. I totally reccomend that play to ANYONE. It's freaking hilarious. This is only in here because it happened Friday night.
On the drive home, I suggested that we go night fishing on Saturday, for catfish. HOWEVER, I told her it was her choice, she wasn't that into it, because she wanted to go back to Spring Valley. We headed down and lost our worms to bluegills for a good part of the afternoon. Once we ran out of worms, we decided to head to Lewiston and go fishing again.
HOLY SHIT. Who traded bodies with my wife? She looks the same, acts similar....except her whining and not fishing modes are gone. So, we headed down and ate dinner at Arby's. It was great, as Arby's always is.
So we headed down to the Snake, and rolled on down to the secret place that Bucky claims there are catfish. I've been down catfishing quite a few times, but I've never ended up with any. I've caught bass, bluegill, whitefish, and even a sucker fish. But never have I caught any catfish. But I'm willing to try new places. I finally am on the same page with people when talking about that area because I've been down there a few times. So, we finally get down there, and sit down. I sit down and get our poles ready, and cast out. 10 minutes later, I get a bite, so I reel in, and FINALLY, success. I won. We got there around 7:30, and we left at 10 (because it was too dark, and we had no light). We brought home 10 bullheads between 8 and 11 inches each.
This is supposed to be between lines, if HTML works in the blog
It's been so long since I've caught any cats, and just as long since I cleaned any. I seemed to remember having to skin them....with freaking pliers. So, I gut the first one, and cut it's head off. Then I get my pliers and start trying to get the skin off. I doesn't work. Nothing works.
Oh, and I forgot. I usually clonk fish as I catch them (if I am keeping them) before I string them. My wife thought this was a bad idea, and wouldn't let me hit them. I should have, they were still alive. Not just muscle spasms, but they were breathing, biting (yes, freaking biting me) and flipping. I tried to tell her they wouldn't die, but she wouldn't hear it.
So, I have Jessica get online and look up how to skin these damn things. Yeah, you aren't supposed to cut their heads off before you skin them, so that you have something to hold on to, but other than that, you just do what I was doing. So, I started skinning the already gutted and beheaded cats. Once I got those 3 done, I turned toward the remaining whole (alive) fish.
The first fish I grabbed, I clonked him with the knife handle, gutted him, and cut the skin around the head, so that I could pull the skin off. I stuck my finger in his mouth, and started to pick him up to skin, and he freaking bit me. He had no guts, and had been hit in the head, and he BIT me. Sure it was his non-dead nerves. But he bit me anyway.
Needless to say, I skipped the finger in the mouth thing from then on.
Well, 4 bluegill, 1 trout, and 8 cats, and an hour and a half later, I showered, and went to bed. Where I had a dream that I shot my wife in the stomach, with a rifle that she brought me...to shoot a bad guy with....I shot her because she was going to shoot me for beating a guy with a rock while she went to get my gun and call 911. She was doing this because the guy was a "bad guy" who was trying to kill me. While she was getting my gun, I fought the guy and beat his head with rocks, then I saw my wife with the bad guy's gun, and so I stuck my gun in her gut. She didn't think I would shoot her (because she was my wife) but once I found out that she was actually a "bad guy" too, she ceased being my wife, and before she could shoot me, I pulled the trigger, and blew a hole in her belly. Then, I coudln't get my phone to dial 911, and I only had one bullet. The guy got up and walked away. I called the cops, and ran up to the house for ammo. No ammo, and I woke up. It was like a movie, but it was a dream. I knew it was a dream, but I still had to look over at my wife and see her sleeping next to me before I was able to relax.
Ok, I've been writing for 45 minutes, and I have no idea how much is here, but I'm done.
11:52 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
July 4, 2006 - Tuesday  | Ok, it's only been a few hours.... I've been browsing on google, trying like hell to find something to do. Apparently there are no clubs (locally) for people like me. I'm looking for something to do on the weekends or evenings, about once a week, that I can meet people, and do something that matters....either to my education, health, or to the community. I can't find ANYTHING. Maybe I'll extend to Lewiston....maybe Spokane if necessary. I've got to find something. Does anyone have any ideas? 1:05 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
July 3, 2006 - Monday  | Independance Day Current mood: melancholy So, I'm sitting here watching Jesse James on TV turning a hummer (the army kind) into a 1000 HP wheelie machine. 10 minutes till the end of the show...it looks like he's giving up....my ass....I don't believe it. But he's in Iraq, doing it with army guys. They showed the damn thing doing wheelies in the commercial.
Anyway. 4th of July. I'll never have any independance from the real world. I've got a pit in my stomach tonight. I know why, and it will be clear on Wednesday.
A day off. I've got to spend time with my wife, and we'll be doing some community bbq and fireworks over in Pullman.
I really miss the people that I know here in Moscow. Almost everyone has moved away. I really need to get out and find more friends. But who? I have the guys at work. Most other people that share common interests will just move away in a year or so.
Independance...forced independance from people.....forced dependance on the world.
Ok, Jesse James has taken the hummer home to fix. Oh, and it works.
That's about it.
Kind of a melancholy evening. Anyway. I'm going to sign off now, and just do some surfing around.
10:47 PM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
July 2, 2006 - Sunday  | NO CATFISH You can claim all you want that there are catfish in the Snake River. I have yet to see them. Possibly because I fish the wrong times, or the wrong places, but I can't find them. I know they are out there. Logic and the internet back up all my buddies' claims that they are out there. But those damn smallmouth bass keep taking my bait. I caught PLENTY of bass. Between me and my wife, we caught about 20 bass. When we sat down, I set up my pole and threw it out, I reached for my wife's pole to set it up for her, and I had to reel in a fish already. It was almost that fast all afternoon. I had a crawdad on my line, but I never caught any on my trap, or saw any others.
We are going after crawdads and trout today. It should be good times. We are headed to the Potlatch River over by Kendrick. I really want some freaking crawdads.
It should be a good day, a movie, Mongolian BBQ and then off to fishing. Yes, I have to bribe my wife to go fishing today. Oh well. I'm off. Y'all have fun now.
11:50 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
June 28, 2006 - Wednesday  | Cars....Yeah, I hate them.... So, I bought a new car, and had 2 fixes on my truck, all in one week.
2002 Subaru Forester. It's a pretty sweet rig. It cost waaaay too much, but it will last for years, so I don't mind. It's the most expensive thing I've ever bought. Just as an example: it cost as much as I took out in student loans.
My truck has had a strange rattle for a while. It's also been running kinda rough, and it's been kinda short on power. So I took it down to the muffler shop. Yeah, $300 later, I have a new catalytic converter, my truck runs smoother and has more power.
So, Jessica left the windows up in the pickup. I was so hot yesterday that my rear-view mirror fell off, and was hanging by the wire. It's not her fault, it would have happened eventually when I left the windows up. Either that, or the glue just came off. I don't know if it was heat triggered or just time triggered....or maybe she was pissed off or something...hehe...anyway.
So, anyway, at least my bike is running great. Who needs a car when you've got a motorcycle!
My wife wants me to grow my hair out again. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. I guess we'll see.
I keep finding more people who want to be my "friend" on myspace. Most recently, I've found some people that I knew in high school, and some people have found me. It's quite amazing.
I got another computer set up at work, and it might or might not help me. It was set up to be a linux box, but we used a liveCD distro, so it left the hard drive intact. It was a windows xp box, and I've called my perforce workspace "jeff_slow" to signify that it's a SLOOOOOW computer...but...it will give me another computer to debug with. That way I can run 2 debuggers, so that way I can trap more bugs.
I helped Bucky fix his computer, it was slooooow.....hmm.....common theme?....anyway.....I installed virus protection, and 2 spyware removal tools, ran both, and his computer runs like a champ now. They had installed some "spyware removal tools" that actually were spyware, which was pretty funny, but it happens. They had the best intentions.
It's really warm here in Moscow. I'm just sitting here, enjoying beer and South Park, with a laptop on my lap, and I'm sweating. I don't know if it's the beer, the laptop, or the heat, but it's HOTT. That's right...2 T's.
My boss's sheep are doing well, because I know you were all curious. EXCEPT, one got (as he tells me) a vitamin deficiency, went temporarily blind, and before she recovered, she had an unfortunate fencing accident. She cut her neck all up. Now she's on vitamin shots, and penicillin shots. I held her down so my boss could give the shots yesterday. She's finally perking up, which is good.
My wife just walked by with a large rubber mallet....so I better go.....
Good night cruel (to cars) world......
Oh, and more on my plug of Josh Belville, GO TO HIS SHOW. Tell him I told you to go. I won't be able to go, because my in-laws are coming, but tell him I would be there if I could. If he's selling anything, BUY IT.
9:58 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
June 27, 2006 - Tuesday  | Ehhh I haven't posted in a few days. So, here's what's going on in my life. If you go to my page, you'll see a friend named "Josh Belville". He's a guy I went to high school with (so did some of you). He's recorded some songs. Great folk music, hilarious. Josh was always funny as crap when we were in school together, and it hasn't changed. That's literally all I think I need to blog about today.
Oh, and it's HOT as crap too. Too hot to do anything but sit in front of an air conditioner.
I'm out.
10:39 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
June 25, 2006 - Sunday  | Bass Not the opposite of treble...I'm talking about the fish. I caught about 6 or so smallmouths today. My wife and I went down to the Snake River and I had some good luck with the worms today. I caught one on the worm and bobber combo. Then I switched to a crankbait. I promptly realized it was too hot to actively cast and reel. So, I switched back to a worm, but no bobber. Using a slip sinker setup and a worm on the end, I was able to catch quite a few smallmouths. However, they are nothing to get too excited about, anywhere from 6-10" or so. They have a mean fight, because they are in colder water than Spring Valley (it gets too hot), and they are bass (MEAN SOB'S).
One of the fish had something odd in it's mouth. So, I pulled it out. Turns out that it was the fish's dinner. It was another fish. I tried to bait my hook with it, but it was too mushy. Next time I go down there, I'm SOOO taking my crawdad trap. I saw some crawdad bodies laying around.
Speaking of my trap, I hope my boss got some good use out of it, because I missed having it.
That's about it....It's the only thing that really stands out about the last few days.
Nothing has been really that exciting.
Oh, 126 profile views for my profile....that means that someone has thought "I wonder what that A-Hole is up to", and clicked on my picture 126 times.
Freaky....who the crap wants to talk to me.
ok, Bye
11:21 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
June 22, 2006 - Thursday  | Why do people whine about global warming and then move to Florida? It's a legit question.....Why does everyone bitch about global warming, and then when they are retire, move to where it's warm. Lor-D-Mc-Friggin-Gordy.
Interesting day today....looks like I'll be on the interviewing end of the job interview process...at least for a Tuesday....We've got a guy coming in for an interview. Should be interesting. I guess we'll see.
My boss asked me about crawdads today. I guess his daughters ate some while in California....really...anyway...now they want to catch and eat some. So I'm taking my trap and some fish heads (bait) to work tomorrow to let my boss use. I'm also going to let him use my net over the weekend. I don't see much in the way of fishing this weekend for myself. We've got a bunch of shit to clean up and get together around here, so we'll probably just hang out around the house.
Ok, and for anyone who saw Natalie's comment about Hooker Stripes. That's a thing from high school. I used duct tape on lots of stuff, me and some other friends had some stuff made from duct tape. Some people had purses. One guy even had a suit. Some people had wallets. I had a wallet with a red stripe and a green stripe. The stripes are a tribute to the Red Green Show. Anyway, I digress. The Hooker Stripe. It was a strip of duct tape, worn on the leg, or arm, or backpack, or coat, or wherever...and it said "HOOKER". Which basically meant you were a hooker. I wore one for a while. Natalie wore one. One girl wore one for a while.....we put it on her coat while sitting behind her one day in the Little Theater, Sara Hewlett. We put it on her hood. Anyway. We took it off....mostly because it would be mean to call someone a hooker that wasn't in on the joke....and I was an asshole back then.
I friggin hate beer Heineken commercials. They suck donkey nuts.
Someone just honked in my cul-de-sac. They were loud.
Seinfeld is great tonight. It's when NBC offers the Seinfeld the sit-com. It's a great episode.
I'm pretty random tonight.
I'm sorry...well...not really....this blog is more for me than for you.
9:51 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
June 20, 2006 - Tuesday  | I hate insomnia....thank you whiskey So, I've been a little more active on myspace. I've been actively searching people out. I searched for people that I went to high school with. I found about 40 people that graduated the same year I did from my high school. Most of the people I knew, or at least recognized. Some people haven't changed a bit. Some have totally become different people. Some are pretty much the same, but have changed some. It's really quite interesting. I reccomend it to everyone. Just look up your highschool class. The longer it's been, the more interesting, I would assume.
Anyway, I can't sleep. I'm nervous about a bug fix that I did. I don't know that it was the safest things to do, but it cured the bug. I guess we'll see how it turns out once it gets tested.
My boss left me in charge of patching while he was gone, and he gets back tomorrow. Yesterday and today were pretty hectic, and tomorrow doesn't look any better. I only hope that I did ok. I don't know if I want a career with David, but he would be part of a career at zipper or with him, so I really want to have done a good job.
So, my new obsession is my trip to Rosalia, WA for a motorcycle rally, show, and concert. I'm not sure what day I want to go, but it's Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Because of work, I think that Friday is limited, but Saturday and/or Sunday would be perfect. Tons of guys from Biker Build Off, Skid Row, and lots of other builders, bikers, babes, booze, you know, all the important guy stuff! I need to find a reason to NOT take my bike though. It's a pretty bike, but it's no Harley....and it's not a Honda show....
Anyway, I think the whiskey is kicking in, and now I'll be able to sleep.
So, good night all, I'll see you all later.
11:08 PM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
June 17, 2006 - Saturday  | I saw my deer today... I just hope he's around in October!
I spent a couple hours hiking in PRIME deer hunting ground today.
I found a skull (with antlers attatched) on my hike. They aren't huge antlers, but they are really cool looking. I also got within 20 yards of deer twice today. One was a buck with 6 inches or so of velvet. It was fairly exciting. I haven't seen anything with horns yet this year until today, so I was pretty stoked.
I found out that the first turn on the trail to my secret spot isn't a way down to a better spot. Instead it's a trail to the middle of nowhere, and a great spot for deer. I found a few REALLY good spots to sit and wait for deer to show up come October. -------------------------------- So, about MySpace. It's hillarious to me that so many things are coming back. It wasn't too long ago that messages were being posted and forwarded, things like if you don't forward/post this your account will be deleted, or if you do forward this, your favorite TV show won't be cancelled and Bill Gates will send you a fat stack of cash....
It was also a time when personal websites were first starting. Except that then you had to have some HTML knowledge or something. Mostly it was nerds who were in on this, and a few "normal" people were also in. Places like freeyellow and geocities, angelfire and others. Now, there are places like facebook and myspace (and others) that allow people to use really bad webdesign and send messages really easily. It's very much like the internet is starting all over. Many people who never really go into the internet in the beginning are getting started. It's interesting to watch, as a guy who was in on the middle run.....The first being BBS and news groups...I wasn't allowed. I was on one BBS, it was pretty interesting, but it was after the internet really started.
So, anyway, I'm done with this.
11:12 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
June 11, 2006 - Sunday  | Backpacking Notes First thing: my space is not dangerous, dangerous people are dangerous, and dangerous people will find a way to be dangerous with our with out myspace!
Second thing: YES, you can go to college without a laptop these days. I just graduated with a degree in COMPUTER SCIENCE, and I didn't have a laptop. You don't need a laptop. You don't need a computer. There are labs that are open on almost all college campuses, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I'm not saying that my computer didnt' help, but I didn't NEED it.
Backpacking notes:
Things to bring: Dish soap Grill for fir
Things to leave: Hatchet or Axe (you only need one) 18v flashlight (Lordy that's heavy..should have brought a little guy) 2 jackets (for some reason I had 3) Converse shoes Shotgun/shells We just didn't use it Closed cell sleeping pad. My sleeping pad provides more padding than this piece of junk Whole box of matches (just need a few) Anyway, I went back packing with my buddy from school Mark S. 2 mile hike in, downhill, at 6am. 60lb pack. Not too bad. Then we fished for 10-12 hours (literally). We only stopped to cover our stuff because of rain, and to have lunch. We fished all day. I caught one of the top 10 trout of my life right out of the Potlatch river. The hard part about this place is the crossing of the river. There is no good way to cross a river with no bridges. So we waded across the river a few times (more like 15). Of course, I had the BEST shoes. For some reason I thought that no padding would mean they dry out faster. However, all no padding means is that your feet hurt while crossing rivers with rocky bottoms. Also, no socks means that your feet will rub raw. So the best part was the crawdad trap. I found a crawdad trap at Tri-State fro $20. It works GREAT. Basically, you put holes in a can of cat-food, and you put the can inside, and it attracts the crawdads. Well, that's all fine and well, but, it also has to be in a place that has flowing water, so the scent is carried to the crawdads. So, it worked better once we found that out. We also threw a few fish guts in. This worked even better. However, we figured out that one of my fish was left out in the sun too long, probably not good. Anyway, we left our fish in the water, to keep them cool. This attracted crawdads to where our fish were. So, just out of the blue, I threw the bad fish in the trap. Yeah, this works the best. I would reccomend fish parts for your crawdad trap. In like 2 hours, we had caught about 40, and the fish was down to the skeleton. So, yeah, that's what I would do. So, when Mark checked the trap, and tossed it back out, and the door fell off. We lost all but about 10 of them. Oh well, we didnt' really need that many either. But, I had to make a trip out to the middle of the river to get it back. Why not make him go out? Well, because I don't really care. It wasn't that cold. Plus, I was already wet, and it was warming up.
So, that's my story.
3:48 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
June 6, 2006 - Tuesday  | 6-6-6 MARK OF THE BEAST.
Luckily, today should be a good day for me. Mostly because I'm a HEATHEN.
Anyway, tomorrow, I head off to Seattle to visit Zipper and give a presentation. I'm not really nervous, because I know it. The thing I'm most nervous about is the differing styles between my co-worker and I making me look like him. No offence to him, but we have different personalities. Oh well.
One of the bugs I fixed is apparently not fixed. Or so says the testers. My boss is wondering if they got the wrong version because something that we fixed for sure has been reopened. Hopefully they just got the wrong version, and we can all go about our lives.
So, flying to Seattle tomorrow. 6am. GROSS.
My wife's car died. Not horribly, but now I have to jump start it. She left the door half closed (it didn't close all the way). At least it happened at home. My favorite time that happened was when I was coming home from Long Beach, and I left my trunk open in the Mitsi. Yeah, the battery was totally dead. This girl had been making eyes at me during the shuttle ride to the parking lot, and she was the only one that was around, so I flagged her down. She seemed dissappointed that all I wanted was a jump. But I had to push my car out of the parking spot, and have her drive around, and luckily I had jumper cables, because she didn't. Anyway, back to my wife's car. I've just been driving my bike since it happened, and she's been drivng my truck, but I'll fix it.
I'm off. Work and such.
8:30 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
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