February 25, 2007 - Sunday  | me duele mi espalda Ok, I know my spanish may not be correct, and same with my spanish spelling, but the general gist of my heading is "my back hurts me" which pretty much describes my feelings right now.
I got up this morning, and headed to the magical Tri-State for some ammo, gun solvent, and my hunting license. Then, over to my buddy Cam's house to pick them up to head out shooting.
When I got there they were slacking off, but amazingly they were ready in like 5 minutes (not bad considering one started out in his bathrobe). So, we headed out to Deary to pick up my boat. It didn't take us long and we got it pushed over to my pickup, and hooked it up. I then showed them my office, and they were awestruck by the awesome stuff we have there.
We left from there to go shoot out at Whitepine. It was a total blast. We took our 2 .30-06's, my 8mm Mauser, my 7.62x54R Mosin-Nagant, and my buddy's .22lr out and failed miserably at proving our marksmanship. Until, all of the sudden, I could shoot my rifle like a mofo. Anyway, we shot a shit ton of ammo and then went and explored this old house that we could see from where we were shooting.
So, once we ran out of ammo, we headed to the Troy gas station for something to eat. What a joke, there just wasn't anything worth eating. So, we headed next door to the White Pine Cafe. Typical small town cafe/bar/coffee shop. It was really cool, and the burger was AWESOME.
As we were finishing up, a guy pulled up and him and his girlfriend got out of his full size chevy, and came in. They were friends with Cam and Bryan (Cam's roomie), and were taking Cam and Bryan back out shooting. They shot yesterday, and I guess twice today.
I took off after lunch, and came back to make sure I was home before dark because I was pulling my boat without lights and didn't want a ticket. Plus, if the weather cooperated, I was going to spend some time checking out the wiring on the boat trailer.
Anyway, the trolling motor works, and the guns are clean, the boat is at my house, and I must have played WAY too hard because my back hurts like a mother fucker.
So, that was my day, and I hope I can get out of bed tomorrow.
6:31 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 24, 2007 - Saturday  | I can't wait for the weather I'm going shooting tomorrow, and I'm stealing my boat tomorrow. So, I'll have my boat in my driveway, and I'll have a sore shoulder by dark tomorrow. It makes me a happy person. WHOO HOO!
Also, I spent some time re-coloring my profile, and I updated my pictures and put some captions on my pictures. Let me know what you think!
9:14 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 21, 2007 - Wednesday  | the past few days My in laws came up over the 3 day weekend, which I had off from work. It was nice. We spent some time just hanging out, some time shopping and we watched the movie "Ghost Rider" which was quite good.
So, lets start there. The movie was great. It was a bit over-done in the CGI department, but that is to be expected. The acting wasn't superb, but it's a comic book movie. The bikes were pretty sweet. The cleavage was also pretty good.
I bottled my 2nd batch of beer. My first batch of beer is getting better and better as time goes by, but my 2nd batch was AMAZING. If it didn't need to be aged for carbonation, I'd drink it now. I tasted a bit, and it was some of the best beer I've ever had. Not too dark and heavy, but meaty and black. Just great. I can't wait for it to be finished.
I got the game under memory (I think I mentioned that before) and we actually started adding stuff back in, as crazy as that sounds. I also closed about 4 or 5 bugs today. It took a while, but I did it. That's quite a difference from not being able to close any bugs for like a week when working on the memory issues.
My boat is much closer to being ready to go The wheels are holding air, and the boat still holds water like a mofo. The trolling motor is getting much drier, and the fishing seats are getting lighter from not being waterlogged anymore. As long as the weather isn't too bad on Saturday, I'm going to go do some wiring and some moving of the boat to my house! WHOO HOO!
Which brings me to my last point: I hung out with Cam on Monday night. Jake was there for a while. We all agreed that we would have to go camping this summer and eating fish and crawdads. They decided they are sick of epic adventures, and are ready for a nice 2 mile hike as a camping trip. I'm all for it, of course, so we'll make sure to get out this summer for some adventures.
So, that's the summary of the last few days.
9:13 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 17, 2007 - Saturday  | Ok, I know this is 2 blog postings in a row, but this is happy, that was sad. So, I finished my first year of work 2 days ago. Feb 15, 2006, I started looking at SOCOM code. A year later, and I got told that I'm doing a good job. I got a raise. I also got high praise from my boss, and he told me his bosses like me too. I got my review yesterday.
Also, I thought I freed up 300K of memory in the game, and I found out yesterday that I was off by about 10K, and I freed about 290K, which, in our worst mission, means that we are 138K below memory! WHOO HOO!
I also have tires under my boat, and I have the boat mostly empty of water, and I've got an action plan for getting lights. Lights, and securing the ball onto the stinger to make it not work loose, then I'll be able to pull it home. Next weekend I'm picking up a few spools of wires, some new waterproof trailer lights, and taking my electrical pliers and multi-meter and I'm going to rewire the entire trailer.
7:57 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
 | I woke up balling I'm not sure exactly why all this stuff happened in the same dream, but it did:
I was on a baseball team, and people were throwing snowballs at me during practice, so I just about started some fights, and knocked a few people down.
I was playing tennis at the raquet club that I used to work at, teaching again, and some of the kids from the classes I used to teach were in these classes. But so were Hayden and Harrison (my cousins). I couldn't do anything right, though. I kept messing up. It was making me pretty angry.
After tennis and baseball, I went to my cousins' house and we were hanging out. For some reason, my pickup wasn't working, so I had it pointed at the front door of their house, and I had the rear axle up in the air. Also, I had my motorcycle just inside the front door (not sure why). But, I had Harrison help me figure out what was wrong with my pickup and I was watching, as he was pushing the gas making the axle spin. I kept telling him not to push too hard on it, because it might break the axle. He didn't listen. Well, he ended up making the pickup drive forward, right into the front door of the house, and on top of my motorcycle.
No chance for apologies, I started beating on him. Not a nice beating, I was going to kill him. He wrecked my pickup and my bike.
So, my brother's old dog somehow got hurt while all this was going on. She was bleeding, and biting. I was freaking out that she was going to die. So, I caught her and tried to put her in the back of my Mitsubishi (which I don't have anymore) but it was full of straw bales (not sure why). But there was enough room for her to kinda fit back there, and it held her really tightly, so she wouldn't be able to hurt herself anymore.
For some reason, I started crying, saying, "No, Taffy, no!" She was dying, now, and I couldn't take it anymore. I was balling. I was so relieved when I woke up to find that Taffy had died peacefully a couple years ago. I was lesser relieved to find that I didn't have my Mitsubishi anymore, but my pickup and my motorcycle are still fine.
7:38 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 14, 2007 - Wednesday  | Non-binding resolution So, my non-binding resolution is to do things I have no intention of doing.
I'm not one to get political, but congress needs to get their head out of their asses and stop spending time on "non-binding resolutions" and pass some fucking laws, or something binding. SHIT.
If you want to stop Bush from continuing the war, lock up funds, or maybe make troops only be able to spend a certain amount of time per year, or something LEGAL and BINDING. I heard (on NPR) congress is discussing these 2 types of actions.
Ok, maybe a non-binding resolution actually means something, but the name implies that it doesn't, and that's all I'm going. If somehow, a non-binding resolution makes a real difference, I retract my comments.....but somehow I doubt that they do anything.
So, that's my political rant for today.
7:15 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 11, 2007 - Sunday  | MISSION ACCOMPLISHED I changed the oil in both cars, and I even took my bike out for a quick ride.
I wanted to fire it up and let it run, just to see how it was holding up over the winter, and it took a while to warm up and get running smooth again, but it was very nice to get out and ride again.
So, with the oils changed, I came into the house and went to the gym. A nice workout later, and then we dropped off the oil to be recycled.
So, I started my next batch of beer.
Here's what I did this time:
I put about 3.5 cups of regular sugar, and then I filled the rest of a 4 cup pyrex dish with brown sugar. I had it overflowing with sugar and brown sugar.
Then, I took our old 12 cup coffee pot, and filled the filter with chocolate malt that I had crushed with a rolling pin. I let it brew once like coffee, then I poured it back in and let it brew again to extract more color and flavor.
So, once I got the malt extracted, and the sugar added, I put it in the brew pot along with 2 liters of water. I then poured in the dark ale hopped malt. I boiled it a bit, and then put it in the fermenter.
Initial gravity: 1.050 Potential Alcohol by Volume: 6.5%
So, it's started, and it should be ready to go in about a week or so!
6:07 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 10, 2007 - Saturday  | progress Ok, for the first time in a LOOOOOOOOOONG time, I made measurable progress toward reducing my stress. Not directly, but indirectly due to my actually being able to measure how much memory the game was using, and being able to measurably reduce the amount used. This was a huge breakthrough. Also, I was able to reduce it enough to keep the game from rebooting, which was nice. Not only nice, but we had some space to spare too! In the words of the gamer nerds, "W00T!"
Also, I got the boat mostly cleaned out of ice. Which is nice. Heath helped me out, and it was really cool, we just went out and BSed and pulled ice out of the boat. It was nice. It was a nice day outside, and the sun was kinda shining through the clouds. And it wasn't coding.
Tomorrow, I'm getting my next batch of beer started, and I'm also changing the oil in my S10 and my Forrester.
So, beer brewing, more sugar this time, and more of it brown sugar, and I think I'm going to try to use some of that chocolate malt that I have to add some deeper flavors.
Changing the oil should be a fun adventure too, by the way. I hate changing the oil in the subaru. It's not any fun, but at least it's better than my bike, which is too low to the ground to put the oil pan under it.
That's my life recently.
My cat is laying on my lap between my laptop and my fat gut.
9:22 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 5, 2007 - Monday  | working out and homebrew I'm a fan of working out. You wouldn't think it by looking at me, but I'm a fan of it.
Also, I'm a fan of my beer that I made.
And even though my wife thinks I'm crazy, I like to work out, and then have a homebrew.
Anyway, the typical "work sucks" rant doesn't suffice today. I've spent tons of time and energy looking into a big suspect of why this bug is happening, and it turns out that it's not it. But I did figure out some bugs today, so, hooray.
There you go.
I haven't been writing much recently because I've been busy going to the gym and helping my wife with her homework.
So, dinner is ready, and so is the homework. So, there you go.
Peace, Love, and a good night's rest to you, yours, and myself.
8:25 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 4, 2007 - Sunday  | I got tagged...so...what the hell I've been tagged...
Ok this is 7 random things about me, and then the 7 people I tag to do this too...
1. I watch REALLY bad TV.
2. I have a problem finishing things that no-one needs. I'll start a project, and then quit a while later because it was just to pass the time, so it doesn't really matter.
3. I don't spend enough time playing outside, like I should, instead I end up playing on the computer (myspace) or playstation.
4. I really like beer. Maybe too much, its my best friend ever. (This was Tracie's, but I'm leaving as mine too!)
5. I don't call people, in fact, I'm not a fan of the phone. Why not just email me? Unless it's important, or time sensitive. Also, if you aren't in one of my friend/buddy lists, and I haven't seen you in person because of a random occurance, I probably haven't talked to you in a long time.
6. I have tons of toys that I don't use very often. I have tons of things that are season specific. Hunting, camping, fishing, sledding, and I use them a couple times per year.
7. I'm nicer to people that I don't like than those I do.
And now I have to tag 7 people to tell 7 random things about themselves. I choose.....if I remember, I'll tag someone later. On second thought...why not just leave a comment on my blog saying you've been tagged....and then post similar type of ramblings on your blog.
2:09 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 3, 2007 - Saturday  | Bullshit I'm sick of it. Rules should be followed, and enforced stronger than they are followed. That would stop a bunch of the bullshit.
Also, sobriety isn't any fun. I'm thinking about cancelling my subscription for the night and having some home-brew. Who's with me?
9:36 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 1, 2007 - Thursday  | Blech Work, beer, sleep, work, sleep, beer, help wife with homework, sleep, work, beer, help wife with homework, tv, bad tv, work, sleep, help wife with homework, you know, that's my life AGAIN. 9:11 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 30, 2007 - Tuesday  | A really long day Ok, so I start out with a bug that I should have been able to fix with "|| ftsGetPlayer()->IsGhost()". The problems started when that was the wrong function. Once I found the right function, I found out that function was the wrong way to go with it. So, I changed direction and headed in the "right" direction, changing a fix that I made the other day. As it turns out, my original fix was not only wrong, but it was really wrong. It took me a long time to get NO WHERE on that bug.
So, I swapped bugs, and checked out another bug. Luckily, that was as easy as I thought, just add an exception to yet another fix I made (my luck isn't all that great lately).
So, once I finished that bug, I spun my wheels for a while on something. I'm sure it was important, but I can't even remember what it was. Oh, wait. I was assigned to fix the UNIVERSAL GLITCH! TAKE THAT ALL YOU SOCOM BITCHES! Once I fix it, you'll all hate me, or love me. I guess it depends on your opinion of glitching (cheating). So, that's what I spun my wheels on. I found out how to cause it, and I believe that I've come to a conclusion about what actually causes it to happen in the code. I can't guarantee that I've got what causes it, but that section of code is one of my big areas of operation.
So, everyone left, and then I started looking at how to fix this bug that I have to take down the entire network for. So, it took me FOREVER to find this one stupid little line of code that changed my life. Ok, it wasn't that cool, but it fixed the damn bug.
To fix this bug, I switched the network cable from the router to the direct line to my dev-kit, and back again, many times. After all that thrashing back and forth, it finally DIED. That's right, it DIED. It's totally kaput. So, I gotta stop by office depot, or office max, or whatever, and pick up a new one in the morning on my way to work.
Anyway. My boss gave me a toy today. It's a 12" action figure of the main character in the SOCOM games. It's a super-detailed collectible action figure. It's pretty sweet, and will make my SOCOM collection bigger. I've got a poster and all the games, and now an action figure.
So, I guess it's time to go and play myself some SOCOM.
Peace to you all, and to you all a good night.
10:18 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 29, 2007 - Monday  | a couple days in seattle and my homebrew I spent a couple days in Seattle with my boss and wife and boss's wife. It was kinda fun. We went for work, but we had some time to play too. I spent 2 days trying to figure out how to make a wall. Oh, by the way it's REALLY hard to make a wall using the wrong tools! I have to use the wrong tools, but that doesn't make it any nicer.
My home brew worked awesome. It's lovely to drink.
My cat is a pain in the ass. He likes me. But he won't leave me alone. Also, he's got an extra set of canine teeth, which I guess is normal for his age.
Not much else to report. Work and life as normal.
Oh, and I got to see Mike and Grace too! I really miss those guys.
8:28 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 21, 2007 - Sunday  | stuff, and you know, things So, I just realized that I haven't written in the blog much lately. I've been "busy". I've decided that I need to write myself a game so that I can have code that is decent quality, and that shows off some of the talents that I've learned. I don't know what kind of game, but it will need to be something that uses some real programming skills, and it doesn't have to be flashy. But, I want sounds, threading, 3D, and some AI of some sort. To do what I want, I'll need memory management, loaders, and all sorts of other pieces of code. Which basically means that I'll have something fun to play with when I'm done (code, not the game, I'm not guaranteeing that the game will be fun, I'm a coder, not a designer).
Ok, wife needs computer for homework, so F-U, I'm out.
12:46 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
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