October 10, 2006 - Tuesday  | The pre-season report Ok, I spent a few minutes yesterday looking at some deer. 24 of them to be exact. 2 of them were bucks, I know one was 3x3, the other I'm not sure.
Last Saturday, I saw a doe with my wife when we were out grouse hunting.
I see deer all the time.
I had a good shot at a doe today....probably about 25 feet (no joke). But I was on my way to work, so I decided not to, plus the land is posted, so I decided I liked hunting priveleges.
Ok, anyway, I leave for work today, and I had to stop 100 yards before the 35mph sign just before Troy. There was a pretty good sized bull moose walking across the road.
So....the plan for tonight is this: Around 5:30 take off from work. I'll get in my pickup, and drive down to the parking spot. This will be less than a 1/4 mile. Why am I driving? Well, if I were to walk, my boss's dog would see me and go with me...and she'd either scare the deer away or be scared by the gun (most likely both if she could). So, I'll drive down to the parking spot, change into camo and take my book and go sit down in my blind, and read until it gets too dark to read. Then, I'll leave.
I'll make sure to do this again on Saturday morning, except I'll start when it's too dark to see, and wait until I have been able to read for about an hour. Then, grouse hunt for a while, hit up some other spots, and maybe back to the blind an hour before dark.
If I don't see any deer at all on Saturday, I'll probably head back Sunday.
We'll see what happens, but I'm pretending that I'm waiting for a buck. I think that would be a good 2nd deer. I'm not particular about size, but of course the bigger the better. However, when actually faced with a deer to shoot, I just may shoot the smallest one on record. We'll have to see how it goes.
Anyway, the game appears built, so I should go back to working on it now.
1:06 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
October 8, 2006 - Sunday  | I thought I'd be cool and write a blog today but.......... I really have nothing to say.....so....I'll leave you with this thought.
I spent quite a bit of time sharpening knives today preparing to cut up a carcass. It's DEER! The season opens in like 2 days.
Love, Jeff
6:06 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
October 7, 2006 - Saturday  | Grouse Hunting today When I got up this morning, I headed out side. That's right.....outside.....
Me, and some tools, and lots of new and used oil and oil filters. I knew I needed to do it, so I got everything together, and started. It took about 2 hours, maybe a bit less to change the oil in all 3 engines, chevy, subaru, and honda.
The pick up was the first target. The first time I ever changed the oil (just after I got it), I thought it was the dumbest thing in the world. There is a plastic shield to deflect air for cooling. I found a friggin door for the oil filter. Weird...but I guess that's how it goes. But, by now I'm used to that, so it was a simple thing. I've got that oil change down to a science. So, I started there. PROBLEM 1: I don't have a funnel anymore, so I spilled oil EVERYWHERE.
While the pickup was draining, I took a look at the Honda. PROBLEM 2: there is no way to get a socket on the drain plug. I figured out a cresent wrench would work, so I popped it loose, but left it in. But it started dripping...now there is oil in 2 places on my driveway.
So, I button up the oil change in the pickup, and look more at the bike...there is no way to get the oil pan I have under the bike, and I have no oil jugs to cut up right then.
So, I start jacking up the Subaru. Ok, remember the damn plastic shield under my pickup? Ya, the Subaru is worse. There is no door here for the oil filter, so I figure the shield just has to come off......PROBLEM 3: the damn shield doesn't come off. So, take the drain plug out and drain the oil.
Then I start transferring oil to jugs to lighten the oil pan. Once the oil pan is empty, I take the shield, and push it down until I can fit the oil filter and the shield. I remove the oil filter and let it drain into the pan, then replace the filter, and I'm good to go. Fill it back up, and then ready to go, right? WRONG....still no funnel, more spilled oil. I don't even care at this point.
Anyway, once the subaru is topped off with oil, I turn back to my bike and slice a jug open to be my motorcycle oil pan. Once it's draining, I'm almost done.
I looked around and surveyed the situation. I had made a HUGE mess. At this point, I wasn't caring at all, and I just started rushing to get done. With the bike closed back up, and the car and pickup buttoned all back up, and hoods closed, we are totally ready for the rest of the world.
So, it's entitled "Grouse Hunting today" but all I've talked about is changing the oil. SO WHAT. IT'S MY FUCKING BLOG.
Ok, here's the grouse hunting story. Well, my version. My wife went with me today because she is doing research for a paper about her hunting experiences through life.
We got there around 12:30 and we started walking. I went a different way than I normally do, and we were just following the roads. About a mile in, I got a strange hunch, and looked over. There she was. My wife and I saw a pretty good sized doe standing around. The wind was coming straight from her to us, so I told my wife "lets see how close we can get to her". We started about 200 yards away, and got with in about 50 yards before she decided we were too close, and she took off.
So, we headed out and started following other roads and paths. I found one grouse and shot it. Then we headed around and started looking around. We really didn't see much, but we were talking, plus, I wasn't looking really hard. We started pooping out, so we started heading back. I saw one grouse take a dive around some small trees. I headed up to see what I could see, and he took off from the other side of the trees. Heading around that side, his buddy took off from where I was originally. No shots, nothing, I saw and heard them both, but there was no way for a single hunter to get them. I could have chased them, and maybe even got them, but we were pooped, so I decided not to.
We came home and we just lazed around for a while. It's about 10:15 right now, and I'm dead tired. My wife is doing some homework, and I'm watchign TV. So, there we go.
I'm out for now! Goodnight.
9:32 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
October 6, 2006 - Friday  | Deer hunting strategy... I'm going to go down to Moscow building supply, and buy a 4x8 sheet of the cheapest wood that I can find. Then I'm going to cut it in such a manner so that I can have a deer blind that will fit in the bed of my pickup....I'm not sure how I'm going to get it set up yet, but it should be pretty simple, and have very few connections for easy take down and set up. I'd also like to to be quiet to set up.....hmm.....well....I'm going to go now to draw ideas onto a sticky note....
2:41 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
October 5, 2006 - Thursday  | The damn blogging Ok...I didn't have anything to do today, so I played the game today. I made it all the way through Act 1 of the game. I gotta say, it cleans up really well. It's a pretty good game. We are in a hurry up and wait status. The source control is locked down so that only approved code goes into souce control. That means that you can't check ANYTHING in without someone looking it over. Also, having no bugs, I sat around and played the game. Maybe tomorrow I'll head down and scout for some spots for a blind, bugs pending. We were supposed to get more bugs today from the triage, but I haven't seen any emails saying I got any bugs. We were going to wait until the GC gets started, then triage the bug list. Well, I am pretty sure we aren't sending the GC tonight, I think we'll probably send it tomorrow sometime. I really hope so, anyway.
I'm watching MASH. It's a really good show. My wife hates me because I wanted to play a game instead of go to bed after South Park. 11:11 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
October 4, 2006 - Wednesday  | Coming to from 3 voice central Ok, here I sit with 2 headsets on. I have them on to keep proving to myself that the heaset bug is FIXED. Since I was holding the ENTIRE build up, I am no longer doing that. I decided to actually find a fix. I'm not, I repeat NOT, going to take all the credit. I ran tests, my boss came up the the ideas, and that's that.
BUT, IT'S FIXED! I really hope so.
The producer of the game sent this email out:
Ok, that's nothing like what he actually wrote. He's a really nice guy. He was really nice about it every time I told him "I have nothing to report" all damn day today. BUT, now....I have something to report, and it's GOOD NEWS.
Ok, special bonus for all you who read my blog--both of you ;). THE GAME SHIPS ON NOVEMBER 7, 2006. THAT MEANS GET YOUR ASSES TO WAL-MART!
Ok, and since that stuff is available on the other parts of the internet, here's a screen shot I took of a scope all scoped in on a head shot.

Ok, and just so you all know, the game is totally bad ass!
Ok, that's my excitement for the night.
Peace, love, and headshots to you all!
11:41 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
October 3, 2006 - Tuesday  | Dreams of Voice Chat I had a dream last night about voice chatting. NO FUN. I am really considering a push to talk system for co-op, if it's possible. We know that system works, and we can patch the open mic stuff back in when we get it fixed. I think I'm going to suggest either a waive or the push to talk system until we get the open mic stuff fixed. It could also be the fact that the driver isn't working correctly......*hoping*.
I'd really like to call in sick today and go hunting.....soon enough, I will be able to just say "I'll be in late, and when I am, I'll be in camo tomorrow" but not yet. The game hasn't shipped yet. We still aren't into Format.....AAAAAAUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I need to get something for lunch, and then head off to Deary.
peace, love, and food to all!
8:31 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
October 2, 2006 - Monday  | One step closer......5 steps back When I say GET, it gets DONE. Some times you have to be mean. Some times you have look out For yourself--Number ONE
Yes, it's intentionally cryptic.....but...I got stuff done today.....stuff that needed done.
We are almost done with the game. We are 5 (or so) blocking bugs away from shipping the game to Format. Unfortunately, one of them is my bug...SO...I'm staying pretty late for the first time in a while...I also got here early today, so it's been a long day. 13 hours so far. With 5 must fix bugs, and one of them mine....and 33 some-odd total bugs, and 4 of them mine, I think I'm doing my fair share.....I'm just glad I'm in the credits, or I'd be SUPER pissed.
1000 blog views....holy crap.
9:20 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
October 1, 2006 - Sunday  | ALMOST TO FORMAT!!!! The game is almost to format. It's been officially announced as available on November 7 or something.
"Format" is format QA, which is the final stage before our game will ship.
We'll be in format this week! Well, we should be.
Anyway, it will be soon.
So, I left before the producer told everyone to stay until their bugs were done...I was stuck on my bugs....SO.....I basically had a scare where they were going to make me come back in to work to sit and twiddle my thumbs......so....instead, I said I'd be in early, and there is nothing I can do tonight.....AND....that's the plan! So there!
I'm at home, watching crappy tv, and blogging....almost done...goodnight....food is needed.......bye
10:26 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
September 29, 2006 - Friday  | I got gayme I got hit on by a dude today...I guess I'm still sexy afterall!
Anyway, that's about it.
Work, work work, all day long work work work, while I sing this song.
6:37 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
 | I got gayme I got hit on by a dude today...I guess I'm still sexy afterall!
Anyway, that's about it.
Work, work work, all day long work work work, while I sing this song.
6:37 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
September 24, 2006 - Sunday  | work was short today...so, here's a drug rant So, I came home and spent some time with my wife. Not a good idea....I ended up cooking AND doing dishes! But seriously....I enjoyed it. It really was a good idea. I love coming home and spending time with my wife. It was good times. Now I'm watching a show about drugs. I am really intrigued by the drug culture, and drug stories. It falls under the gang, mafia, and prostitution category. Interesting stuff. I wouldn't ever get involved, but I love to be a casual observer. Drug, gang, and mafia shows on TV always hook me, and I can't help it, I can't change the channel, and I can't stop watching.
It reminds me a lot of when I worked at Jimmy John's in Poky, and I would be slicing meat, or washing dishes, or something else when it was really slow, and the rest of the people would step outside, and toke up. It was pretty funny. The people I worked with were pretty fun, I spent some time hanging out with those guys, and they were always smoking weed. I'd be sitting around with them, passing a pipe or bong around. I learned to pack a bowl, and I learned about bong construction, and I learned about drug deals. I NEVER smoked it, so you can get that out of your head. And don't think I got around "smoking" by consuming it another way, but I never did it.
Like it I said, it intrigues me, I would never get personally involved. It was all very interesting. I'm glad that I'm away from it. I was getting deeper and deeper into it all the time, there were times that I was scared. I do my best to distance myself from that culture anymore. I just don't need stuff like that in my life. Even though I've never done it, and I never will, I still don't need shit like that around me.
My personal thoughts on drugs: as long as you can keep them under control, you can do whatever you want. However, certain drugs are illegal, and some aren't. There's a reason for that, and whatever the reasons, I still see no reason to do them myself, legal or not. I smoke a cigar every now and then, and I drink beer and liquor. But I just see no reason to deal with the bullshit of dealers or cops or anything like that. I also find that I get "high" enough from a couple beers.
I dealt with enough shit when I was an underage drinker.
So, I'm going to end my drug rant, and go back to my show. It's almost over, and I've got stuff to do tonight other than blogging my ass off.
7:33 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
 | The past few days.... ....have been pretty boring...work, sleep, work, sleep. I'm still not working as much as I was before, but I haven't been doing much else. Oh, my truck and I had a disagreement about when it should be tuned up...I said wait until I have free time, it said NOW. It won...transportation is more important than money...mostly because without transportation, I can't make money. Work, sleep, wish I wasn't doing one of those 2 things.
Also, I went to the SandPiper last night. I liked it. It was laid back and such, but it was still under construction, which means that it had a half finished area, which wasn't too bad. Oh well, the fat tire was good, and the wings (I ordered BBQ, not hot) were really hot, and pretty good. I'm pretty sure they screwed up my order, but I wasn't really concerned, they were good anyway. 2 beers, a coke for my wife, and a wing platter, and I was feeling better about myself.
So, I went home to sleep.....now I'm at work....

12:24 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
September 20, 2006 - Wednesday  | It's been about 11 days or so since I blogged So, damn, it's been a while since I blogged. I'm sorry. I'm up tonight doing laundry, and I'm just hanging out waiting for the clothes to dry.
So...here's what's been going on. Turkey season and Quail season are now open. I've got my turkey, which means I'm done hunting turkey. Probably forever. I like hunting, but I'm not a big fan of turkey hunting. Mostly because I'm too impatient. When I hunt, I like to walk. Turkey hunting means sitting. So, I got my turkey and I think I'm done. I haven't gotten any quail, but I have gotten 4 grouse this year.

So, here's a fun story. Josh (a guy at work) saw a bear the other day on the way to work. Not a big deal, but really cool, and pretty rare. Also, I know there are bears around, I've seen tracks, and I know that it's bear country. Not grizzly bears, black bears, so nothing too scary.....unless....
So, there I was hunting some grouse and I hear these hounds (it sounds like 6 or 8 of them) going absolutely nuts. I figure they've got something treed, and it's something to avoid. You never know what kind of attitude someone is going to have if you get to their bear/cat/whatever in a tree before they do. So, I just stayed clear. So I thought.
I was walking along, and I saw a grouse flush out, and fly. I didn't think much about the dogs anymore, as I was on the hunt. So, I started searching. Well, about that time, I hear this bell and someone crashing through the woods. The hound sound is closer now. I peer through the trees, into the semi-darkness, and I can't see anything moving. I can hear someone moving, but I can't see him, or his dogs. But, I know that since I can't see him, he can't see me. I took off for the road, and safety. I know that if I'm easier to see, I'll be less likely to be shot by some jumpy hunter who is shooting anything moving. Not that I'm worried about that, I didn't see any cars at the parking spot, so whoever it was was hardcore enough to walk from another parking spot, and those guys usually are pretty safe hunters, but you never know.
So, I am standing on the road, and trying to see if maybe I can see who it is over there. Anyway, I see nothing, but I hear the bells on the hounds' collars go past. I head back toward my, now long gone, grouse, and think nothing more of the guy and his 2 baying hounds. I go about my hunt, looking for grouse in the brush around a dry creek bed, and in the little dark spots under the trees. Anyway, I hear another set of hounds, and a 4-wheeler. So, I head for the road again, where I know it's open, and I'm more visible. I see this guy about my age on a 4-wheeler that is pulling a trailer. There are 2 dogs in the trailer, and it's all closed up, painted dark forest green, with head sized holes for the dogs to look through.
So, we see each other, and we both know that we are both people, which means no shooting. Anyway, he asks me "Seen any dogs?" while he holds up his tracking antenna.
"Yeah, I thought you were with them, so I gave them a wide berth," I told him.
"I set these 2," indicating the 2 in the trailer, "on the little bear, but they lost him, the other 2 were on the big bear, hopefully they haven't lost him. Did you see which way they went?"
I point, and he's off. It takes me a few minutes, but then I realize that I just missed "the big bear" by a few yards. The person I couldn't see coming through the trees must have been the bear! NO WAY. I missed the big bear by only about 30 yards (that's about how far away the dogs were when the passed me). So, I pretty much crapped my pants about that point. Anyway, I ended up shooting 2 grouse and a turkey later that morning. Anyway, it was a good morning.
Work is going pretty well, I haven't been working quite as much, but I'm still working a lot. It's slowing down, and the bugs are getting more and more rediculous, which means we are getting close. We've sent our first gold candidate, and all my big tasks are done. My bug list is down to 2 bugs, and one is done. Which means I've only got one big issue to deal with.
Something I just recently figured out is that the INCLUDE Environment Variable set in windows takes precedence over Visual Studio's include paths. ALSO, you can set the environment vars in a batch file that compiles your visual studio project. This is important because at work, we have some people working with Maya 5 and some using Maya 7. This causes frustration for all of us who have to switch back and forth. Well, maya is really only used (by us) for compiling the maps and such, and we have a batch file that runs program (Autobuilder). So, you can set maya 5 in one batch file and maya 7 in the other. Now Autobuilder will run with the environment variable defined version of maya, overriding visual studio's settings.
So, that's my life. I'm hunting when I can (and that's hardly), working a lot, and that's about it.
11:55 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
September 9, 2006 - Saturday  | 2 things...Last post until the date changes...I promise I didn't change Jordan's response, so....I'm not reposting it again, you can scroll down.
Also, I've changed the look of my profile and blog. Let me know what you think.
Ok, a third thing....my south park avatars are not meant to be me in general. They represent my moods and feelings at the time of creation. I'm not as depressed as the guys shown, I'm tired from work.
11:43 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
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This post was interesting, how long did it take you to write?
Awesome blog, great write up, thank you!
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