Well, I've been working on another model in my spare time. I picked up a model of the Jeff Gordan 24 NASCAR race car, which is proving to be more of a test of my painting skills than the NSR was, but also less of a test of my assembly skills.
It's easier to put together, but there isn't anything that can be left unpainted. The bike had many parts in a greyish, almost metallic, plastic that allowed for just putting them together, but this one is all white parts except the windows and tires, and 3 rubber parts.
I'm still enjoying it, but it appears there's only one other level 3 model in Michaels, and only a couple in the hobby store downtown, which means that I'm probably going to need a new hobby soon.
Anyway, I'm happy with the way this is turning out so far, we'll just see how it turns out in the end.
Things in North Idaho are not conducive to motorcycle ANYTHING right now except wishing, so I am hella jealous of my dad, who has no ice (on the roads) to contend with, a dual-sport for if there was ice, and above freezing (for the most part) temperatures. You can read about his adventures here if you are so inclined: sounds like he had a lot of fun on his first actual dual sport experience, and it sounds like he'll be writing them up when he goes, which should make some good reading!
My VFR is getting closer to complete. But when I say complete, I mean completely having all the parts for when it gets warm enough to put them on! I picked up some new grips. These feel like "gel" grips, so they should be easy on the hands, but they also feel firm, which should help me maintain a good feel for how the bike is going. I also received the part to my front brake, which I broke because I'm an idiot. Oh, and I got the petcock lever too!
Oh, and I got my adjustable clutch lever finally put on! I knew it wasn't fitting because it was too big in this one area, and I knew just how to fix it! I took the non-adjustable lever off and double checked that the adjustable one wouldn't fit, took a good look at it in the light (last time, was dark, this was day, with lots of reflective snow). Didn't fit, of course, but I could see where it was rubbing, and took the dremel to it. A little grinding here, a little griding there, and wha'la, it fits! But, it still rubbed, so I took it off, colored the part that I knew was rubbing with a sharpie, put it back on and gave it a squeeze. This trick is often used for making stuff fit better. The sharpie rubs off where it rubs, and stays on where it doesn't. A little more grinding and it was like butter. I put the lever back on, with all the attachment parts, and was good to go!
So, rear brake, footpeg, the frame tab, and turn signals, and put the parts that I have on the bike, and I should be good to ride for a while once it warms up!
Once I get it running, I have some body work that needs done. If the tail piece turns out the way I want it, I'm going to do the whole body work, which will mean riding around with half-done body-work for a while, but should make the bike a better bike overall, if only cosmetically.
I got a haircut today. Shortest it's been in years...just thought people should know...
And, I leave you today with some memories. When I was a little-bitty kid (hard to imagine, I know) we use to go spend some holidays at "Leo and Leona's". We didn't see them that often, but I remember them being some of the nicest people around. They were like the grandparents that you don't see very often because they live far away, even though they weren't that far away. The truth is, they aren't my grandparents. They are my dad's cousins' "other" grandparents. We spent lots of time in their backyard. I remember there being huge snow drifts one time, and building a fort in one of them with Scott, A.J. and Steven.
Well, Leo passed away today, peacefully, at 2pm.
Rest In Peace.