Welcome to the End of 2007*
As 2007 comes to an end.........
1) Where did you begin 2007?
Nampa, at my parents house. My wife and I spent most of the holidays there
2) What was your status on Valentine's Day?
3) Were you in school (anytime this year)?
Nope. I'm done.
4) How did you earn your money?
Making video games! yay!
5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
Nope, maybe should have, but didn't.
6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
maybe, nothing memorable, or costly!
7) Where did you go on vacation?
Sun River, OR, and southern Idaho, and Cali
8) Did you buy anything over $1000?
9) Did you know anybody who got married?
yup, cousin Dan
10) Did you know anybody who passed away?
can't think of anyone
12) Did you move anywhere?
14) What concerts/shows did you go to?
I don't think I saw any concerts...
15) Are you registered to vote?
Nope, been considering it though
16) Who did you want to win Big Brother?
Big Brother? F that.
17) Where do you live now?
Moscow, Idaho.
18) Describe your birthday?
It was a Saturday....and I don't remember what we did...must not have been that special...which I'm sure was what I wanted!
19) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2007?
Crash my bike...
20) What has been your favorite moment(s)?
Riding and garnet hunting
21) What's something you learned about yourself?
I can still weld!
22) Any new additions to your family?
We got a cat!
23.) What was your worst month?
don't know...don't care....I had some great times this year!
24.) What music will you remember 2007 by?
25) Who has been your best drinking buddy?
26) Made new friends?
Yes, finally!
27) New best friend?
28) Favorite Night?
None really stand out, but there were plenty!
29.) Did you have a child this year?
again...we got a cat...
30.) What's your favorite color?
This changes from day to day, and topic to topic
31.) How many childen do you have?
32.) Are you and your mother close?
not really close, but closer than I am to most people.
33.) What are your nicknames?
Jeff, Koorbloh, and "that guy on the rebel"
34.) Where did you wake up at on christmas?
Wife's parent's house
35.)What are you wearing?
36.)Did your parents get you anything for Christmas?
Sockets! Nice SAE sockets and nice metric allen head sockets! I love them! YAY!
37.) How old are you?
38.) Are you having a baby in less than 6 months?
Gawd I hope not....
39.) Do you have a friend you miss?
40.)How many bedroom do you have in your house?
41.) How many bathrooms?
42.) Who did you last kiss?
43.) Last hug?
44.) Last 5 text message from?
someone for christmas
45.) Last 3 missed calls from?
I haven't the foggiest (and I ain't looking)
46.) Last person you talked to on the phone?
47.) Who's your favorite football team?
Well, the only one that I really follow used to be Carroll College, but my brother doesn't play there anymore...so....prolly the '49ers...for family reasons.
48.)Last NFL football game you went to?
I don't care about NFL
49.)Are you close with your brother/sister?
Not really
50.) Are you close with your inlaws?
not really
51.) What are you looking forward to in the next 2 months?
riding....getting the damn VFR put back together and running like a champ, and riding that too!
52.) next 15 days?
duck hunting!
53.)Where were you on Father's Day?
maybe riding...maybe at home with my wife
54.) Last person to come over unannounced?
people selling stuff
55.) Who car did you last ride in other than your own?
if you don't count my wife's car, then her parent's blazer
56.) Favorite restaurant in 2007?
the onion
57.)Best thing about today?
58.) Plans for today?
was going to do something productive...but it's 3....I don't think I am
59.)last thing you drank?
60.) How was 2007?
Good times.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
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