Sunday, March 30, 2008

Things to do...

I need something I can do to stay active in the motorcycle community.

I want to make and sell something, but the problem is that most things I could build and sell requires special tools that I don't have (let alone know how to use properly). One thing I was thinking was doing some LED lighting projects or possibly fiberglass and body work.

The problem with LED lighting is that you can't find just empty light lenses and such, so I'd need to have the lights to work with. Fiberglass I would either need molds to use *or* I would need some plastics to learn on. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, I've got the VFR plastics......hmm......just wish I either had a garage or good weather!

Actually, I'm going to take the tail piece and see if I can bring it back up to snuff. The thing has been repaired poorly too many times, so it's basically worthless unless I can fix it all up and make it a good piece again. Sounds like a challenge to me!



the motogp race was pretty good. the 250 race was better than the big bikes, but shit happens. I was glad I went and watched. Good times, and a great burger. :)

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