Saturday, October 28, 2006

myspace blog archive 7

November 12, 2006 - Sunday

In Laws GONE

They showed up on Thursday night, and my wife skipped all the school she could hang out with them on Friday. Saturday, I took my wife's dad and bro out to fail at shooting birds, but it was fun. Then us guys went to a movie called "Babel" which wasn't a good movie. I'm not going to claim it was bad because it was interesting, but it wasn't good. It was a movie about how you should pay attention to your actions because it could come back to bite you in the ass...and even if it doesn't, it could possibly have unintended consequences. Then, we made sushi last night. They left this morning, and I'm watching tv. WHOO HOO. That's it.

10:31 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

November 10, 2006 - Friday

at work.....

3:07 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

November 8, 2006 - Wednesday

Part 3 of my trip.... was 6am, and we left for Butte, maybe I won't get interrupted for the FUCKING 3rd time.

So, we drove up to Butte, and saw a bunch of antelope on the way. There were tons. It was kinda scary when my dad said, "Now, keep your eyes out, because we usually see a bunch of antelope right over there........" and there were about 50 standing around right where he pointed. There was no way he saw them before he said that. It was kinda spooky.

Once we got to the game, we dressed up in our purple and warm clothes, and headed to the tailgate area run by the Alumni Association. Chicken, potato salad, cookies and such.

The game was scoreless at halftime. We all headed out to the tailgate for cookies and beer. I was introduced to my brother's roommate's dad, who said I was big enough to eat grass, and then we headed back to watch the 2nd half.

About halfway through the 3rd quarter, Montana Tech scored, leaving it 7-0. Everyone in the stands had given up on any more points going up for the rest of the game. With 5 minutes left on the game, Tech punted and Carroll ran it back almost all the way. They threw an interception and lost not only the ball, but their awesome field position. Once they got the ball back, they finally scored with about 3 minutes left, tying it up, 7-7.

After the kick off, Tech got one play. The 2nd play resulted in an interception, and almost a touchdown by the defense! About 2 plays later, the game was 14-7. With 1 minute left, Tech recieved a kick off and got one pass all the way down the field, for about 50 yards. Then, they got stuffed and Carroll took over. They ran the clock down, and with 16 seconds, and 2 downs left, Tech calls a time out. Why, we'll never know, but they did. At the end of the time out, everyone just walked out on the field, the game was over.

At the end of the game, we went and talked to Scott for a bit, and gave him the cookies we made at 2am.

We headed back down to Poky, and hung out with Mark, Sue, Harrison, Hayden, and their dog Jester, but not for long, because we were all tired as shit. So, we went to bed around 11ish.

Again, we got up early, and got back in the damn car. I was sick of that damn car by the end of the trip. But we headed back to Nampa, and we got there around noon. My mom made spagetti in less than 20 minutes and I got to see my granddad's Winchester Model 94 .32 Special Lever Action rifle. It was a pretty cool, and in really good condition.

My mom sent me off with a full belly and a book on CD. "The Highest Tide" is the name of the book, and it's a really great book. I finally finished it yesterday, and let my wife have her car back.

Ok, and that was my trip.

2 things are up:

I'm one of 2 people who are responsible for localizing Socom: CA for other countries. Add that up to my list of stuff to do: DLC, S3 patch, data patching, and CA patch, and possibly some of the PSP stuff too. I share most of that with one other guy. Which means that we're swamped! WHOO HOO.

The 2nd thing is that I want to get a couple pallets, shove them full of news paper, stack 3 of those up, and pour some gas on it, and then put a lit molotov cocktail on top of the whole thing, and shoot the molotov cocktail....which should fireball the whole damn setup.

And, I'm off to drink a beer, clean the house, and get some food ready.....but I'm not getting off the couch until final Jeopardy is over.

6:39 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

My trip, pt 2 - interrupted

Ok, yesterday I left off with me getting up at 5:30 to drive to Butte.

And now I have to cook because of my whiney wife.

6:30 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

November 7, 2006 - Tuesday

1600 miles....

So, I went to see some people over the weekend. First thing was I went down to see my parents. That was Thursday.

I left here around 10am, and got to Nampa around 5ish, and waited for my dad to get home. We drank some beer and talked about all sorts of stuff. Then my mom came home around 9ish, and my dad went to bed and my mom and I hung out until 2am. Then, my mom remembered that we had to make cookies before we left, and we wouldn't have time in the morning......Bed around 2:30 and then up around 7.

We left around 10 and headed to Cabellas, and that's a sweet store. A couple hours later, we war drove around Boise to download my mom's email, and then we drove to Poky. There we hung out with my cousins and aunt and uncle. I finally went to sleep around 11 or 12 while my cousin played games and woke up around 5:30 to head to Butte.

more's bed time for now.

10:07 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

November 4, 2006 - Saturday

Almost 6am....

It's almost 6am, but for me, it's almost 5am.

I'm in Pocatello right now, and last night, I spent most of the evening making fun of my cousins, Harrison and Hayden, playing with their dog, and eating pizza with the whole fam-damily.

On my trip, I have made cookies at 2am, watched 2 episodes of "The Office", and spent 1 night with a blow up bed named "Monica." I've only been gone for 2 nights, so far, so, we'll see what tonight holds.

Anyway, well...I'm off to a football game today, and I'll check back in later.


4:55 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

November 3, 2006 - Friday

Harrison smells


5:41 PM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

November 2, 2006 - Thursday

In Nampa

I'm in Nampa chillin with my parents....well...their cat is home anyway....

My dad will be home soon....and until then I'm watching tv.

The drive wasn't much fun, but it's over.

I don't have much to say today.

4:01 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

November 1, 2006 - Wednesday


I'm a fan of it.

In case you didn't know.

4:35 PM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

My day of slacking far

So, I got up too damn early, and by early I mean I was up and showering around 8:30. So much for sleeping in. It's been too cold and windy to do anything outside, so I sat and played Max Payne for a while. I finally got past the 2nd drug trip, and I think I figured out the saving thing, so I won't lose my place again, which makes me happy! Anyway, then quit, about 10:15 or 10:30, and started watching bad TV. I've done some web surfing, and some video game playing, and some tv watching.

Oh, I also started some music downloads so that I can burn some mix CDs for my trip tomorrow. In a little bit I'm going to go fire up the grill for my deer steaks for lunch, and then start gathering up some warm clothes for tomorrow.

Warm clothes
Rap CDs
Some deer meat for my parents

12:12 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

October 31, 2006 - Tuesday

These are carved by ME

YES...I did it by myself!

8:57 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

October 30, 2006 - Monday


So, I saw a some smoke this afternoon, and then an orange glow tonight, off in the distance from my office window. I figured someone was burning a field. When I was driving home, it was getting closer and closer. I'm 90% positive that it's where I hunt deer and grouse! HOLY SHIT!

6:23 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

October 29, 2006 - Sunday

This is my bored face

GOOD LORD. I am bored as hell. What am I going to do on Wednesday, when I have the whole day off? Anyone have any ideas? Anyone? I'll be in Moscow, doing some bird hunting in the morning, but in the afternoon, I'll be free. There are a few things I'd like to do...but I don't have the stuff to do what I want without spending a bunch of money. So, if anyone has any brewing (wine or beer) equipment they want to loan me for a few weeks or any ideas of anything else that is cheap to do, LET ME KNOW!!!!!!

Ok, peace.

5:23 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

October 28, 2006 - Saturday

Well, I'm your city

If you are still in Idaho...I'll be driving through your city, most likely...

However, I'll be headed through (unless you are in Poky) on my way to my brother's football game.

Monday: work, buy some whiskey.
Tuesday: work, drink beer, possibly cause some rukus (however you spell that).
Wednesday: sleep late, fail at shooting birds again, get ready to leave, fill flask, pack, slack off, play video games
Thursday: steal laptop, maybe shoot some birds, play video games, take all the crap out of my wife's car, fill my wife's car with my crap, drive to Nampa, drink with my mom, chill and BS with my parents
Friday: drive to Poky, chill, maybe play music, talk computer, hang out with uncle, aunt, cousins, and parents
Saturday: drive to Butte, watch football game, drive back to Poky, repeat most of Friday (the part after getting to poky)
Sunday: DRIVE....Poky to Nampa....Nampa to Moscow.....10 hours or so....
Monday: show up to work late....

9:16 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove



..That's all I got....oh...we got pumpkins and more candy and beer and stuff today.

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

myspace blog archive 8

October 25, 2006 - Wednesday

My Dream last night

Ok, I was walking down the street and saw a dude snatch this lady's purse. I started running after that dude, and the lady stole someone else's purse!

It was only then that I realized that I was in some apocolyptic future or parallel universe. So, I headed home. I went home to see my wife in our trailer house. Well, the back door always needed some work, but in trying to close it, this time I broke something clear off, and it wouldn't shut anymore. So, I start working on trying to fix it when my neighbor comes over to see what I'm doing, and help me out.

Anyway, I step outside a bit later, and this little girls shouts out "Who the hell is that?" Her little friend asked the same thing.

"It's Goldie," I said. I went over and introduced myself, and they seemed satisfied that I wasn't part of the apocolypse.

So, a bit later, I rescued this XBox from some bad guys for my super hot neighbor. Upon the return of her XBox, she promptly starts trying to have sex with me. I'm a married man, so I head home.

At home, I find my wife gone. This demon from Hell (literally, a demon from hell) came up and started telling me she was gone, some bad guys had killed her, and that I needed to get the hell out of there.

So, he starts cutting into the house with his fire-hell axes, and it starts the trailer house on fire. Once the house is flaming up good, he starts doing a Michael Jackson impersonation, and dancing around. He did all this to clear my name from my wife's murder.

But, I had to hide in the woods for a while until the cops figured out that it wasn't me that killed my wife. So, I start living in the woods, and I'm starting to take a shower in my middle of the woods shower, and I find out that my name has been cleared. So, I head home, and then I wake up.

It was pretty crazy, kinda scary, and mostly disturbing. But, I was glad when it was time to get out of bed.

8:46 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

You know what I hate?

shooting a bird, watching feathers fly off, and then having that bird keep flying....

2:52 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

October 24, 2006 - Tuesday

That one cock...

he's taunting me.....cock.....rooster...pheasant.....

I see him every damn day on the way to work....I shot at him tonight.....I either missed, he was too far, or both......maybe I'll get him tomorrow!

10:20 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

October 23, 2006 - Monday



My brother's team threw an interception the other day, and my brother (number 76) brought the guy down. My dad took a video of it with his digital camera, not knowing it was going to happen, or that Scott took the guy down until later. But, there's a video that my mom posted on youtube, and above is the link!

So, the game is shipped, and I'll be headed down to Nampa to ride over with my parents on Friday, November 3rd-ish. It's the Friday right around then.

I don't know if I'll head down Thursday or Friday morning, but I'll be heading down to Nampa. We'll have to see if anyone reads this and needs to spend some time with me....

I really want to go smoke my cigar, but I don't really want to go outside, put on a jacket, or anything of that sort right now. Maybe I'll take it to work and smoke it on the way home tomorrow....

I think tomorrow I'm going to work on getting a screen shot of my name in the credits. I may have to play the game all the way through (by cheating) and take a screen shot....we'll see if that even works.

Anyway. It's time to watch Emeril make some Brain Cookies.

I love you guys...peace

8:03 PM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove


SOCOM CA has made it through Format QA, and is now in mass production. That means, check your shelves, it's coming!

Look for my name in the credits movie!!!!!!!!! It will be there. Of course you'll have to beat the game, and then watch the credits to see it. F-ing name is there!

Most likely, I'll also be in the credits in the booklet that comes with the game. Which makes me excited as well.

I don't remember if I told you guys that we cut up my deer, but we did. It was fun, and TASTY!!

Anyway, I haven't shot anything since my deer, but I shot at some quail yesterday, and missed. I didn't hardly aim...I don't know what the hell I was thinking...


That's the Jeff update for today.


2:18 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

October 21, 2006 - Saturday

Cutting up deer and chukar...

Apparently, chukar are hard to duh...but I found online that Latah is one of the 12 best counties in the country for chukar....which means I'll just have to find it.


We cut up my tiny little deer last night. Not much meat, but I had a bit last night after we were done, it was TOTALLY TITS. MMMMM.

Anyway, we are drinking some coffee and then we are headed out on an adventure.


12:58 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

October 18, 2006 - Wednesday

What am I going to do with myself?

The rest of the deer season is going to pass without my notice....I shot my deer last night. I'm kinda sad to admit how small it was...but it was TEENY TINY, or as some people would call it "tender".

I was hanging out at work, and just decided, "I'm going to go shoot a deer!" So, I walked outside, and headed towards where the deer were. They jumped and I tried to follow them. No dice. So, I headed back up and saw a monster doe crashing through the woods...I had a shot, but the deer was moving, and fast, so I watched it run away. I kicked myself as I went to another place and watched another deer run off.

So, I headed back up to where the deer congregate and saw 2 hanging out. I shot, missed, reloaded, and the other deer ran off. My deer just stood there looking, so I shot again. She hit the ground with a splat. I hit her hard (8mm of lead will do that....) and she went down.

About 10 seconds later, (literally) my cell phone rang....and I thanked my wife for waiting that extra 30 seconds before calling. I walked over, gutted her out, tagged her, and headed up to get the 4-wheeler.

I hung her in my boss's garage, and there she hangs. Until Friday, when I take her home, chop her up and eat some of her! Hopefully, I'll have my freezer a bit emptier by then, but there won't be too much meat anyway, so it might not matter.

Well...I'm going to go fire up the grill. I've got a venison (last year's deer) steak sandwich to make for lunch!!

Peace, love, and slacking off to all!

12:02 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

October 17, 2006 - Tuesday

I'm at work.....excersizing my rights.....

I'm fully within my right to be a "Lazy Bum" according to my boss. So, I showed up an hour late today, and I'll probably leave a bit early. I'm really here to install software on my computer. It's GREAT fun. I'm starting over from scratch, so I reformatted my hard drive yesterday, and now I'm installing all the stuff I need to make my computer workable for developing Playstation games. It's no fun. I am installing Visual Studio right now, and the worst thing about that is that you have to install software before you can install the software that lets you install Visual Studio!!!! HOLY SHIT. 3 friggin steps. Oh well. At least it's mildly useful.

I think I'm going to head out around 5 from here to go sit down and watch for deer in this one clearing. Maybe they'll smell me and not come out...maybe they won't and I'll get a shot at one. Who knows.....not me....yet....

Anyway. I may spend tomorrow pheasant hunting instead of working....carrying my phone, of course ;).....because I'm on call until the game gets accepted by Format QA, no matter the means I have to be available all the time until I hear long as I can be here within an hour or so....I should be fine. Which means....tomorrow morning I'm headed to an access yes place I know about. HAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHA. I love hunting birds.

Oh, I took the long way into work today, and found out that I apparently can't tell the difference between a coyote and a deer. I saw a deer standing up on this hill side, and stopped to look at it. All of the sudden, a coyote ran away from where the deer was standing, and the deer wasn't a deer at all. F-ing COYOTE! Damn. Oh well.


2:47 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

October 16, 2006 - Monday


SOCOM: Combined Assault is finally into Format QA. This means it will be shipped VERY soon. We've had some crazy times, us developers, but the hard work is paying off! We finally have a game that is worthy of the SOCOM title, and we are all rejoicing.

It's not a very energetic rejoice, due to the hours we have all put in recently, but there is much rejoicing, none the less.

I still haven't shot my deer...I'm still holding out for a buck. I've decided that my holding out for a buck will last until my 2 days off that I've set aside for hunting. When I leave work Wednesday afternoon to hunt that evening, I'll be switching to shooting any deer that crosses my path. This means I'll most assuredly see a HUGE buck as I'm filling out my tag on the smallest doe I've ever seen, BUT...who cares. It's not about trophy hunting. I just wanted to see if I could find a buck.

I remembered yesterday that my wife's dad and brother are wanting to come up and shoot some birds, so I'll be making sure that I can find the Access Yes point that is just south of Moscow. I know I found it a couple of times, but I am not sure I can again. We'll just have to see what I can find.

I'm really stoked, pheasants open TOMORROW. I have seen a few, none that I could shoot, but I've seen them anyway. Which means they are still around. Maybe I'll get my deer I can shoot pheasants tomorrow morning!!!!!! ;) YEAH RIGHT. Like that would happen.

Switching gears to FOOTBALL. That's right.....ME, talking about football.
My brother's team continues it's winning streak (28 or so now in a row) toward their 5th national championship in a row. It's pretty crazy. This small town from Helena Montana has this awesome football program. Once my 2 days of hunting are over, I'll be getting in the car (hopefully with my wife) and heading towards Helena for the weekend and some football goodness.

Also, UI plays BSU here in Moscow this weekend. I'm not going....really...I have no interest in going, but I saw a shirt yesterday that said "Boise is NOT a STATE". I looked over at my wife and said "We must be playing BSU soon" sooner had I said that, than I found out that, yes, we are playing BSU. I saw "We" like I have an interest in the team....I don't really...but I'm a Vandal too, damnit.

So, the game is in Format....that means it's cigar time tonight. I stopped and picked up a couple cigars to celebrate, one for the game, and the other for my deer. It sounds like I'll be sitting outside smoking tonight! I guess we'll have to see what plans my wife has when she gets home.

Oh well....So...I just had a thought....if I get my deer tonight.....I'll smoking both cigars! NO....I don't need to smoke 2 cigars in one night.....I don't even smoke! LORDY.

I'll leave you all with this thought....If you don't want to kill an can you eat meat. If you don't want to eat the meat you create, how can you kill an animal. I know people who hunt, but don't eat the meat. I know people who eat meat, but won't kill an animal. I don't get it. If you can't morally turn critters into food, then you shouldn't, morally, be able to eat that food. In turn, if you do turn critters into food, and you don't eat that have just destroyed one of God's (Budda's/Ala's/Insert diety of your choice) creatures for no that morally right?

4:43 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

October 14, 2006 - Saturday

I hurt myself today... was fun....really fun....CHASING DEER IS KICKING MY ASS.

I'm so out of shape compared to how I was when I worked at Wal-Mart. So, 5 or 6 miles can, will, and DOES kick my ass! Especially carrying my calls, extra jackets, knifes, hatchet, and rope....stuff I "need" for hunting safely and responsibly. Anyway, so, I hurt.

I'm tired, I want to go home, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Today should be the last long day. The game is ready to ship. WHOO HOO

3:26 PM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

October 12, 2006 - Thursday


I'm waiting....I have a few things I'm waiting for, but I'm waiting. It's NO FUN.

I'm bored, and listening to music. I'm trying to find soothing music to soothe my stress, and keep me from getting worked up. Tuesday's Gone by Lynard Skynard. That's what I just switched to.

I have only been deer hunting once so far. I would have gone again last night, but I was BUSY. I had more bugs to fix. It wasn't fun, but those bugs are done! I'm looking forward to a clear buglist tonight so I can jet out and maybe catch some deer off guard in these clearings I know about. We'll see how the rest of the day goes. I was clear on the first bug dump (everyone was, there were no bugs) and the 2nd is supposed to happen any minute now (30 minutes ago, or so). So, hopefully, we'll be clear again, and ready to go.

I finally saw some quail the other day, it was pretty cool, I didn't even stop to try to shoot at them, I'm trying my best not to road hunt this year. I feel kinda bad about last year. Oh, and I picked up some pheasant loads too, which makes me happy. I know people shoot pheasants with 7 1/2 shot, but I prefer 4....and since I couldn't find it, I'm using 5 this year. It's better than 6, which is pretty wimpy too. The smaller the number, the bigger the shot, so, the bigger the wallop when it smacks into the birds. Bigger shots means more birds brought down quickly, less suffering for them, and easier retrieval for me.

One thing I'm waiting for is a buck. Right now, I'm still buck hunting, and so hopefully I'll see one to shoot. It would be really cool. However, I saw a really fat doe the other day...she looked REALLY tasty. I guess we'll just have to see what happens.

I can't wait for Saturday. Jessica will be at her field trip, and so I'll be free to hunt for a good portion of the day. I'm going to start with deer, and probably switch to grouse mid-morning, and then back to deer for dusk hunting. Saturday is something else that I'm waiting for.

I'm waiting for someone to tell me they actually read my blog. I see that people check it out, 98 views this week alone, 1208 total, but no one ever lets me know what they think....

Anyway, I must be attention starved or something, but who is reading? LORDY....stop hiding!

1:31 PM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

October 11, 2006 - Wednesday

BLAM! I'm a retard

Lucas, you are now in my've never seen it...but here it is.
Here's a chat I had with Lucas:

Jeff Holbrook says:
are you a Carlos Mencia fan? because I'm a DeeDeeDee tonight....
[L]ucas says:
[L]ucas says:
as long as it all gets fixed
Jeff Holbrook says:
I'm pretty sure I had it fixed except the one case that I was testing.....
[L]ucas says:

Oh well........hopefully I actually got it fixed this I can go home and watch south park and drink a beer and just basically be happy that I'm not at work right now.

7:31 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove


Current Mood:
Current Facial Emotion:

I hope that clears things up.

2:57 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Ok, it's 7 to 3AM

I may not be going home tonight....instead, I may be hunting when it gets light.....I guess we'll all depends....

Love, Jeff

2:53 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

October 10, 2006 - Tuesday

Tonight I saw 2 deer

I need to take my book with me when I go sit in my blind...or something to pass the time. I didn't spend enough time there to even make it worth building it. I'll take my PDA next time (Saturday morning) and we'll see how long I can make it.

I saw 2 deer, however, when I was just starting out. I got close enough to shoot at one of them, but I didn't because I am still holding out for a buck this early in the season.

Now, I'm just waiting for some test results to come back so that I can sift through them to look for the score post output. So, hopefully it will work, and I can go home. Or, maybe I'll just stay here till dawn and go hunting again ;) NO. I CAN'T DO THAT. My wife would kill me, oh, and I'm tired already!

Anyway, there isn't really much going on in the office right now, except that I'm conniving how to setup all my stuff once Josh is gone (his last day here is Friday). Which means that Monday will be moving day for Mike and I. I really want to move across the aisle so I can be closer to the window, but we'll have to see how it all ends up. Maybe Mike will move and I can spread out where I'm at, who knows.

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