Monday, February 26, 2007

myspace blog archive 3

March 31, 2007 - Saturday

ass kicking

yea, i was ass kicking today.

I cleaned my office

I got 2 new pairs of shoes (one actual pair of nice dress shoes)

I cut the head board

I carpeted 2 of the 3 levels on my cat climbing post

I got the fish finder all ready to go (it works)

I'm going to go play tomorrow with Bucky


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March 29, 2007 - Thursday

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing...

I was sitting, waiting, wishing
The weather was nice enough to go fishing
Or to get out and ride my bike
As much as I would like
.....I stole this from Jack Johnson

Actually, I am sitting, waiting, wishing.

I'm sitting, watching MTV and writing this
I'm waiting on my wife who is buying me coffee this morning
I'm wishing it was warm enough to ride my bike to work, but by the time I got there, I'd be frozen.

I've hit the magical 3000 blog views. Which is pretty sweet. That means 3000 times, someone has decided they wanted to see what crap I'd written.

I'm going to try to make some more stupid videos this weekend, it was fun, so I think I'll try it again. Maybe I'll make a shooting video or something. I really want a new camera, one that can do sound! I used my digital camera for the one about Elliot, and that camera has no sound capabilities. It's very limiting. Now that I know how easy video editing is, I really want to do some more videos. Oh, and one more thing that I'll need is a *.MOV -> *.MPEG converter. Then, I'll be in business. I want to make some fishing videos this summer, maybe some hunting videos if I see lots of action this fall.

Anyway, I'm gonna leave it at that. I don't know how I'll get a new camera for a while, so I guess I'll just deal with it for now.


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March 27, 2007 - Tuesday

A magical little video I made about my cat

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ROMARMS Model 95 Carpati .380 caliber, and it's fun to shoot too!

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March 21, 2007 - Wednesday

random midday rant

Making guns illegal to have/carry/fire/whatever, means that law-abiding citizens will be defenseless against criminals who break the law anyway.

Gun control won't stop crime. It might make gun crimes harder, but that means that we'll have more knife crime. If you want to stop crime.....GET OVER IT. CRIME (and shit) HAPPENS. You will always have criminals. You will always need jails. You will always have a need for self defense. If the criminal has a gun, you'll need a gun to defend yourself. Sometimes, you can't wait for a cop. Pulling a gun can save your life and stop a criminal cold. Yes, sometimes you get shot too, but at least you tried to make a difference.


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March 17, 2007 - Saturday

The rest of last night and all of today up till now

Ok, so, besides pulling someone out of the mud last night, I spent half the night out at a fire, drinking beer and BSing with some people I haven't seen in a long time. It was great. Then, me, my wife, and 2 other guys got in my pickup and headed back to Moscow. I rode in the back, on a jump seat. They aren't too bad, really.

Anyway, I went to my first gun show today. It was pretty cool. It wasn't THAT cool, but there were some neat guns. There were no great deals, which I was fully expecting (no deals, not expecting deals), but it wasn't too bad. There were plenty of guns, and some that I'd never seen in person. Some UZI type guns, LOADS of AKs, SKSs, M16s, M4, and all sorts of hunting guns (shotguns, and rifles), old military rifles, and enough pistols to start a revolution. There was also some other stuff. It was good, but I didn't find anything even worth talking to anyone about. Mostly, because I really didn't give a shit about anything I saw.

I guess next week's show is supposed to be the better of the 2.

Anyway, we did a few other things, like Walmart and Arby's. We did some other stuff too, but I don't remember what it was, because it wasn't that important.

So, I went on a good 30 mile ride on my motorcycle. It was good times. I tried to go to the Pullman Honda shop, but it was closed by the time I got there, again, who cares? It was a nice ride anyway.

So, I'm watching Mythbusters right now, and I'm going to leave you with this. Right now, they are training dogs. Jamie (the mustache and beret guy) just said to the dog "you better behave or we'll turn you into a coat".

I'm out.

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I defeated a Dodge

Yeah, my massive S10 defeated a full size dodge last night. It was stuck in the mud, and I pulled it out....I just hooked up and WENT. What....I just pulled, and it came. Of wasn't stuck bad, but it was stuck. It wasn't going anymore. So, I pulled it out. Because I have a completely awesome pickup.

And I said "this is so going in my blog", here it is.

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March 14, 2007 - Wednesday

Coding the impossible

Now, I'm not actually doing stuff that's impossible, just stuff that's been deemed "impossible, given our methods" and we've been pushing it back. Well, I've been creating new methods, or at least implementing other people's methods, for patching. It's not the first time I've ever patched that which "we can't patch." I'm not the only one who has done it, but I'm doing it most recently, and I'm doing new things that were only talked about before. I love doing stuff like that. Stuff that shouldn't happen is happening on my computer. I'm trying to patch in the ugliest damn thing you've ever seen. it's a disc with a spiral coming out of it. It's ugly, but I'm trying to patch it in as a proof of concept, and to develop procedures for patching using my new methods.

Anyway, my pickup rattles, and I'm trying to figure out where it's coming from. I was thinking about removing the seat and crawling around while someone drives just to see if I can find the source of the rattling. I've got a couple rattles, and they seem to be getting worse. I also want to change the air and fuel filters on my pickup to see if that helps it run a bit smoother under pressure. I'm thinking of changing my auto tranny fluid too. It's all stuff that needs to be done anyway, and I prefer to do it myself, since I HATE paying people to do stuff I could do myself. That's Sunday's plan.

Saturday, is to spend the day trying to convince my wife to fish with me on the Snake while we are down there for the gun show. Then, I'll shop for pickup supplies! You know, important stuff.

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I finally got warm at 9pm

Now that I'm warm, I'm taking my pickup to work today.

Also, forgot to mention one thing yesterday. I have some good advice for you all. Ok, here it goes:

When you pick up a checkbook, look how many checks there are. Don't assume that there are enough. If you are going 2 places that take checks or cash only, and you pickup a checkbook with only 1 check, you're gonna have a bad time. I recognized this yesterday, so I put the first checkbook down. Then, I realized that I had a checkbook in my pickup. So, out I went, took only the book from my pickup, and lo-and-behold, ONE DAMN CHECK. I should have brought both books, and just used them both up, but instead, I had to go the damn ATM and get cash so I could ride my bike legally yesterday.

Off to work I goes.

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March 13, 2007 - Tuesday

Motorcycle goodness

yes, I rode my bike to and from work today. I first had to stop and and legal myself up by getting a new license plate and getting my instruction permit again. Yes, I rode my bike illegally to the DMV, but I rode the rest of it legally.

and, I'm STILL cold. I've been sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket with the laptop on me for 20 minutes, and before that I sat in the co-op for almost an hour listening to music and eating dinner.

I'm cold, but I don't care. Riding felt good. I want to ride again, always and forever, I want to ride.

But, I'm sitting at home right now. Watching some tv. Dirty jobs, it's fun. It's bad tv, but it's entertaining, and there's nothing else on, I promise.

I spent the day fixing someone else's mistakes. It wasn't very stressful, but I made it stressful on myself. Also, I found out that I have a couple bugs that aren't fun. So, you know....not fun. BAH. I hate it. Anyway, I think it's going to be a pretty simple fix. I'm just going to back out the problem, and see if I can tell exactly that the hell the problem was trying to fix. Something tells me that I just need to take the problem out, and all will be well again.

So, my cat is awesome, and I'm still cold.

Good night to all, and to all a good night.


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March 11, 2007 - Sunday

We sent our GC...finally

Ok, we finally sent the CA SCEE GC, and we are getting ready for some compatability testing too. Both of which make me happy as a clam. But, to tell you the truth, I hate this part of the project. I'm really looking forward to getting back into feature development on an old project, data patching.

I'm kinda the "creative patcher" at this point. If it's not the UI, I get to figure out how I can change stuff that shouldn't change. You know, the stuff that we don't have a way to grab on to, I get to figure out how to grab it, modify it, and send new stuff on it's way. Walls, weapons, options, rules. It's really fun times. It's the stuff I most really enjoy. I get to fix stuff that shouldn't be fixed, stuff that previously couldn't be fixed. Good, good times.

I got my boat all sorted, out, I fiddled with everything. I got one of the oars sanded down and ready to varnish, and I'll start the other one soon.

I also started building a cat play gym today. It's pretty cool, I'll post pictures once it's done, but I need to get carpet and some other stuff to finish it up. It's also kinda wobbly, but the cat likes it anyway.

While I was building it "Co-co" came over to see what I was doing. Co-co is a shnauzer dog that I have tied up in my yard. First, I tied him to my boat after I called the owner and left a message. Then I brought him in when I was done with the cat gym, and he peed on my wife's movies. I don't like most of the movies, but it made my wife a bit mad. Plus, I didn't want him peeing on my stuff! Also, he shouldn't be peeing in my house. So, out he went. And he's been hanging out with me all day.

Anyway, dinner is ready. I'm out.

6:59 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

March 6, 2007 - Tuesday


I hate dealing with patch issues. It's not code. But it's code. I hate it. The code works, I know it does. Something got lost in the translation between me and heath, and maybe it worked at zipper. hopefully it worked at zipper.

if not, then I get to sync a new tree and make it work again WHOO HOO

my grammar isn't great today, mostly because my head hurts and jeopardy, my wife, my cat and my head are distracting me.

I got my boat all wired up and ready to go. I got my lights finally wired on my pickup so that I have a lighted switch on my dash, and I replaced a light bulb so I have both lights controllable by the dashboard

it didn't work at zipper...I just heard.

oh well, I don't care anymore tonight about anything but video games.


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February 28, 2007 - Wednesday

Damn cat

I spent a bunch of time playing with my cat last night. It was really funny, and when we were done, he was panting. Poor little guy.

Oh, and to the suprise of NO ONE, they pushed a date back for us sending to format.

I'm tired.

And that's all I have to say about that.

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to sleep, perchance to dream...

Sleep is funny. Sometimes you dream. Sometimes you don't.

I can always tell what I'm stressed about because that's what I dream about. It must be something in my subconcious causing me pain that disturbs my otherwise peaceful sleep.

But, these dreams woke me up intime to come to a realization for Heath today.....

int numTicks = (a few to ensure the load manager gets started)
if (gLoadManager.IsIdle() && numTicks-- > 0)
signal done loading

Anyway, that's my code snippet for the year, I'm going to go shower and get ready for work.

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February 26, 2007 - Monday

how "girly" am I?...could also be titled: how "bored" am i? 30%

How girly are you?

I own:

[] You own over 10 bottles of nail polish
[ ] You own a designer purse
[ ] You own perfume that cost over $60
[] You have (have had) fake nails
[] You have more body/hair products than you can use
[ ] Your pet is a chihuahua/Pomeranian/Siamese/Min Pin/Puggle
[ ] You have clothes/shoes/accessories for your pet
[ ] You have enough clothes to cover an entire refugee camp.
[ ] You have enough pictures to create your own wallpaper.
[ ] A pink comforter, walls or sheets.
Total: 0

Do you:

[ ] Spend more time at the mall than you do at home/work
[ ] Have a hair color that is not natural
[x] Have "blonde moments" at least once a day
[ ] Buy stuff because it's awesome and then never wear it
[x] Constantly keep your phone at your side
[] Dance around in your room when nobody else is home
[ ] Have a name for your car/truck
[ ] prefer to be called "princess"
[ ] You know which celeb is dating who and who broke up this week
Total: 2

Do you adore:

[ ] Makeup
[ ] Glitter
[] The Color Pink
[] Shopping
[] Jewelry
[ ] Mirrors
[] Chick flicks
[] Shoes
[ ] Rainbows
[ ] Unicorns
[] Disney Movies
[] Candles
[] Flowers
[] Stuffed Animals
[ ] Purses

Do you shop at:

[] American Eagle
[] Aeropostale
[] Victoria's Secret or New York&Company
[] Claires
[] Express
[] Delias
[] MAC
[] hollister
[] Bebe
[x] dillards
[] abercrombie and fitch
Total: 1

Do you say:

[x] Whatever
[] Oh my goodness
[] Hun
[ ] Fugly
[] that's hot
[ ] Dunzo
[] Darling
[x] Psh
[] Cutie
[] Hottie
[x] Totally
[] For Sure
[] Fabulous
[x] Nice
Total: 4

Do You Read:

[] Cosmopolitan
[ ] Glamour
[ ] Marie Claire
[ ] Elle
[ ] Vogue
[ ] People
[ ] Us Weekly
[ ] Star
[ ] Self
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] seventeen
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
Total: 0

Have you seen:

[x] Legally Blonde
[ ] Elizabethtown
[] Mean Girls
[] Now & Then
[x] The Notebook
[ ] A Walk to Remember
[] Sweet Home Alabama
[ ] Where the Heart is
[] Just My Luck
[ ] John Tucker Must Die
[ ] Center Stage
[x] Bring it On
[x] How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
[] Mona Lisa Smile
[] My Girl
Total: 4

You watch ...

[ x] America's next top model
[ x] Project runway
[ x] Desperate Housewives
[ ] The Simple life
[ ] 8th & Ocean
[ ] Sex & the City
[x ] Grey's Anatomy
[ ] The O.C.
[ ] Laguna Beach/The Hills
[ ] Nip/Tuck
Total: 4


That's your girly percentage!

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