Sunday, August 26, 2007

So much for a relaxing weekend!

Yesterday, we went shopping and such, then we finished up the headboard. Yeah, I didn't have anytime to go play on my motorcycle, so I did today.....that's kinda what I'm blogging about....that was the short's the longer one.....

I got up yesterday, and watched some TV, then finished the game I've been playing, Max Payne. This was a great relief because it was only my 3rd restart on this game, after losing my save a couple of times. It sucked. But, I finally was able to get all the way through the game. It felt good. I'd been trying to beat it off and on since I bought the game, and I finally did. One more down in my library of games. Next up, SOCOM 3, I think.

So, after I finished the game, I drank some coffee and relaxed for a couple of minutes with my wife. Then, we got up and went out to spend a bunch of time running around. We went to the rock shop to see what our garnets look like, what the stars look like, and to find out what it would cost to have them cut and set into something so that it could be put on a necklace or something. We had some nice stars, but only one of the stones will end up being worth what we put into it to have it tested and cut. So, we walked out with all 4 that we had tested and the rest that he didn't choose, to decide later. Anyway, the 3 others would cut down to about 2 carats, at $20/carat, while the one good one would cut down to about 4 carats at $20/carat, while costing $7.50 to test and then another $65 to cut. Next time, we're going to try again for the big ones ;).

After the rock shop, we went down to the Golden Star restaurant there near downtown. Much better than we used to get at Ninja Food (Super China Buffet). A good lunch, and we were ready to attack the mall. I had to get some new clothes, so I got some shirts and a couple pairs of pants. Then, off to WinCo to get groceries.

Wait, at some point in there, before I finished Max Payne, I went to donate plasma too! What a CF that was. I have to give my arms a week and a half (at least) to heal up.... I started recently as a way to get completely free money (not already earmarked for bills/responsible stuff) that I could use for whatever I wanted. Anyway, the first time I did it, I got about 4 cycles (of 5) done, and my left arm decided it was done playing. Switch to the right, and it goes like crazy. I went down last Tuesday, start with the left, and it never really got started, switch to the right, and it goes perfectly. I went down yesterday, no screwing around with the left arm. Yeah, my first return cycle, and it goes wonky. Switch to the left arm, and slow the return cycles way the F down. I was ready to just walk out, but they lady told me it goes to corporate that I refused a re-stick and all that, and I didn't want to get her in trouble because I was cranky so I let her re-stick me. It worked...because they slowed the return down. Next time, I'm drinking so much water that I have to pee every 10 minutes before I go in.

Anyway, so, once we got back from the excursions, we finished the headboard. And, by finished, I mean we finished the initial design only to realize that the foam doesn't stick to the wood (durrrrrr). But, we put it all together anyway, and today we are going to get buttons, good strong thread, and big needles to finish the whole look, and hold the foam in place. It should turn out quite nicely, I think. Right now it looks awesome except for the bowing of it.

Today, I have to call the guy to get my motorcycle endorsement test done too. YAY! About friggin' time I say. I went out practicing, and after playing in the Kibbie Dome parking lot for a while, I'm pretty confident in my weaving skills, so I went out riding elsewhere and apparently put a good dent in my chicken strips too! My small one was noticeable smaller, while my big one was more than cut in half! Holy crap! I'm going to try to make it down to Spiral on the day Jessica has a late class next week and see how I do. I'm getting better at turns, looking through the turns, and just generally getting better at riding technique (all the things I need to be able to go fast safely).

So, I'm going to go putter around the house for a while, then get buttons, and call the motorcycle test guy. Y'all have a good day now!

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