Sunday, September 23, 2007

An uneventful trackday....

Not a whole lot to say about this track day...but here's what I got:

1) I rode...90 miles is about as far as I can go at a time on the Rebel without a break. Luckily, it's about 90 miles to the track. But this weekend really confirmed my need for a new bike.

2) I did an 8 hour lap (I rode out to my corner on the track, and back at the end of the day on the track....8 hours later). But I didn't get to jam on it because I was carrying flags and stuff.

3) My new pants work GREAT, and I'll be warm until it's freezing....(literally). I plan on riding until it's too cold, but with these pants, my jacket, a sweater under the jacket, and a scarf, and I'll only be stopped by ice on the road! That means (hopefully), that I'll be able to ride most days this winter! WOOT!

4) Some people from the Moscow-Pullman area can ride like mofos! GixxerJeff (Jeff #1), MisfitR6 (Ben), CCWC (Cody)...those boys can r-iz-ide. Some people stand up to wheelie out of turn 2, on the way to 3. Ben goes fast enough that he has to stand up (and over his front wheel) to keep his front end down. Cody, who's handle stands for "Can't Corner Worth Crap", can actually corner REALLY well, and likes to show off, throwing his front end way up in the air, and slamming it back down. Jeff's pretty quick too, but I lost track of who he was on the track pretty early...

5) Subway sandwiches don't hold the wrapper down in the wind, and my wrapper almost ended up on the track, and causing a wreck. Luckily, the wind that took it towards the track turned, and brought it back on my side of the track. I put it back down, but this time with a rock.

6) Doe, a deer, a female deer....inside the was there the first session. It poked its head out and I saw it. I called in and had them hold off on the next session, and I chased it out with the help of the EMTs.

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