Saturday, April 12, 2008

Beautiful Day!

I'm soooo going riding tomorrow.

Unfortunately, I have no motorcycle, so I'll be riding very slowly, hopefully down a hill so I can go a bit faster.

I think I'm gonna go tear up campus...there's too much snow anywhere outside of town. It's crazy.

I was going to go fishing this weekend, but Spring Valley is still iced over. I went out on Friday to check it out (glad I did while it was on my way home, and not make a special trip out there) and there were people in short sleeve shirts ice fishing. It was crazy. I wish I had my camera.

I don't know where I'm going to go tomorrow, but it should be fun! Maybe I'll play with some onboard footage if I find a good trail.

Anyway, I cleaned my office today, and I am glad I did. It was baaaaaad. Really bad. Oh well.

I had cut a top for my rolling section of the tool box, but hadn't put it on, or set it all up. So, I did that, put all my tools away and such and organized everything. What really sucks is that now that I put everything away, I'm going to have it all moved away to a new place.

Finding a new place has been quite the adventure too. I hate looking for new places to live. It's one of the most annoying processes EVAR.

I really miss having a bike on days like this....

Anyway, enough rambling.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Ice fishing at SV is FUN! We went with the kids a few years ago and had a blast...of course it was freezing cold and nothing like the weather we have had the past two days. Blissful!